Footnotes · 57
Library branches included: Penn State Dickinson School of Law and H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Law
14–15 Library added several two-credit courses in research instruction and increased instruction in other
18–20 Law Library metrics for e-resource usage cannot be extracted from main university library count.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
4, 7, 18–22 These statistics cannot be extracted from the main library totals at this time.
6 Does not include all library expenditures as most are included with the main library statistics and
cannot be extracted at this time.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $54,668 (7b) $823,307
(7c) $9,068 (7) $887,043 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $229,357 (8b) $197,556 (8c) $56,564 (8) $483,477 (10)
$87,862 Overall Expenditures: (7) $887,043 (8) $483,477 (9) $3,717 (6) $1,374,237 (12) NA/UA. NOTE:
Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
23–24, 26–29 As at November 2011.
25 As at October 2011.
Library branches included: Camden and Newark Law Libraries.
1 The figure is an approximation, consisting of about 102,200 hardcopy titles, 23,140 titles in the
Gale Making of Modern Law treatises and primary sources collections, and 4,170 titles in three
HeinOnline collections (World Trials, Foreign &International Law, and Taxation &Economic Reform
in America). This is a downward revision from earlier year figures which included some uncataloged
titles. 2010–11 figure did not include electronic 2011–12 does include electronic. [Newark Law
2 The figure should be regarded as approximate. There was a net decrease of about 3,300 hardcopy
volumes due to extensive weeding of duplicates. [Newark Law Library]
4 Gale, Making of Modern Law: Legal Treaties 1800–1926–21,812 Gale, Making of Modern Law:
Primary Sources I &II–5,600 HeinOnline, World Trials Library–4,257 HeinOnline, Foreign and
International Law Resources Database–2,677 and HeinOnline, Taxation &Economic Reform in
America, Parts I &II–3,352. [Newark Law Library]
6 Last year’s survey question (#21) was the sum of different subquestions (#s 16, 17, 18 &20) than this
year’s survey (#s 6, 7–9). The question definitions for 2010–2011 excluded the cost of several very
expensive databases that we subscribe to. This year’s (2011–2012) question definitions included those
subscriptions. [Camden Law Library]
7 Last year’s survey question was the sum (#16) of different subquestions (#s 16a–16d) than this
year’s survey (7, 7a–7c). The question definitions for 2010–2011 excluded the cost of several very
expensive databases that we subscribe to. This year’s (2011–2012) question definitions included those
subscriptions. [Camden Law Library]
7.a 69,223 print plus 25 video plus 38,360 electronic. [Newark Law Library]
7.b 395,369 print plus 1,456 microform plus 247,877 electronic. [Newark Law Library]
8.a The two most senior librarians retired, removing their considerable salaries from the total. They were
not replaced until this fiscal year (2012–2013). [Camden Law Library]
8.a Director was on 80-percent-pay sabbatical in fall 2011 and that position was vacant in spring 2012.
[Newark Law Library]
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