52 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2011–2012
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
19 Numbers are not available from Westlaw, the most used database. The most conservative estimate is
Westlaw’s usage is twice that of Lexis. Lexis usage is 56,467, so estimate for Westlaw is 112,934.
The doctor’s degrees, faculty, and enrollment data are included in the Main Library’s report.
7 Increase reflects spending from gift funds and extra revenue from an increase in the number of law
students paying the law student library fee.
8.c Decrease reflects one less graduate assistant employed this year and no extra student hours for
12, 18–22 University Library reports total number for all libraries on campus.
23 Eight doctor’s degrees awarded by the Law School are included in the overall University of Illinois
Library statistics.
24 One field in which doctor’s degrees can be awarded by the Law School is included in the overall
University of Illinois Library statistics.
25 42 full-time instructional faculty of the Law School are included in the overall University of Illinois
Library statistics.
26 719 full-time students of the Law School are included in the overall University of Illinois Library
28 719 full-time graduate students of the Law School are included in the overall University of Illinois
Library statistics.
1 FY 2010–2011 figures were incorrect correct number of titles: 306,287.
4 Hein Online libraries Congressional Documents and World Constitutions libraries (12,000).
8 Administrative restructure fluctuation due to specific projects.
8.a Dean retired and administration restructured.
8.c Fluctuations occur based on projects no general reduction in funding.
9 Fringe benefits include health care support and retirement benefits. For FY11, only other operating
expenditures from the Law Library operating budget were reported. For FY12, Law School funding
for travel, postage, phones, etc. were reported and will continue to report funding from both sources.
11 Indiana University fringe benefit rates (FY12 only): professional staff–42%, staff–37.23%. Benefits
covered: retirement, FICA, health insurance, tuition benefit, life insurance, and workers’
12, 18–20 Included in the Indiana (Main) survey.
13.b Lost one position.
22 General fluctuation in number of requests it is too early to call a trend.
6, 19 Approximate figures.
8.a Doesn’t include library director’s salary, as this individual is not an employee of the Law Library. The
Head of the Law Library’s salary is included in the figure reported.
11 Rate for professional and scientific classification.
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