60 · SPEC Kit 298
digitization program. The institution has utilized external funds (grants, endowments, monetary contributions)
to the fullest extent possible.”
“There is no connection between metadata librarians (catalogers) and digital projects. Metadata created for
digital projects is done by scanning staff or has been done by extra-help staff hired by project managers to
work with content providers to create item and collection metadata for the project.”
“We are beginning to establish more formal metadata positions with responsibilities to provide services
other than traditional MARC monographic and serials cataloging. Metadata is often created through different
mechanisms with different staffing on a project-by-project basis.”
“We enter most electronic resources into our regular Voyager catalogue. Records are also created for
electronic reference materials, e-journals, and journal indexes and theses. The theses records created in DSpace
are duplicated in the MARC-based catalogue.”
“We follow an assembly process: 1. Curatorial departments collect/create content objects and describe them.
2.Content objects and metadata are transferred to our digital asset management system. 3. As part of the
transfer, persistent identifiers (ARKs) are created and, if possible, technical metadata is extracted. Otherwise,
it is acquired from the upstream agent (curatorial vendor). 4.Extraction, Loading, and Transformation staff
assemble content objects and metadata into METS-based digital objects according to the object specification
for the collection/content class. The object specifications include rules for remediating source metadata. 5.
METS objects are selectively reviewed for compliance to the specifications. 6. Process is complete and the
objects are ready for management.”
“We have been doing digital library work, including metadata creation, for about ten years now. Most of that
work was related to grants and was outside the main library. I put 2001 as the initial date to show the date
the library started understanding this work needed to become integrated with traditional technical services
units. Previously, we were devoting about 93 percent of our work to traditional print cataloging. This past year,
I would say we are devoting about 20 percent to electronic and digital collections and this will increase more
each year from now on.”
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