98 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
7.c Includes: memberships, $127,035 storage, materials processing, and supplies, $216,732 interlibrary
loan, $80,112 database searches, $3,325 other services including OCLC, $100,425 and bindery, $75,140.
11 Percent is for professional staff.
18–19 Totals include Main Library and Medical Center Library. Not able to obtain separate totals for each
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
Library branches included: All.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 In 2011–2012, 1,358,837 titles of electronic books are included.
2 Included special collections: 2,023,582 items.
6–7, 8.a, 14–15,
2010–2011 was 11-month fiscal year ended April 30th.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $4,971,648 (7b)
$6,956,480 (7c) $461,129 (7) $12,389,257 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $4,543,605 (8b) $6,561,687 (8c)
$23,333 (8) $11,128,625 (10) $3,268,744 Overall Expenditures: (7) $12,389,257 (8) $11,128,625 (9)
$1,064,939 (6) $24,582,821 (12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe
Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
9 In 2011–2012, expenses due to main library renovations.
16 In 2010–2011 The number of reference transactions that we have submitted for 2010–2011 was
incorrect. The correct number of reference transactions is 96,116.
Library branches included: Libraries reporting for LSU in addition to the main library are the LSU
Law Library (on campus, administered separately) and the LSU Veterinary Medicine Library (on
campus, administered separately, and reporting as the Health Science Library).
8.c Includes $147,000 paid to graduate assistants for whom the fringe benefit rate is 29%. No fringe for
student workers.
10 Includes fringe benefits for graduate assistants (29% of $147,000 =$42,630). Average fringe for both
categories rounds up to 34%.
11 34% is the rate for regular full-time employees. The fringe rate is 29% for graduate assistants
($147,000), covering health insurance and tuition remission.
13.a Includes only librarians in faculty positions.
13.b Includes staff in civil service, professional/administrative, and library associate classifications.
13.c Includes 6 FTE graduate assistants.
17 This figure includes circulation statistics for the Vet Med Library at LSU (reported as Health Sciences
Library branches included: Art, Health Sciences, Main, Music, and Law (budget and collections only).
Library branches NOT included: Law.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

98 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
7.c Includes: memberships, $127,035 storage, materials processing, and supplies, $216,732 interlibrary
loan, $80,112 database searches, $3,325 other services including OCLC, $100,425 and bindery, $75,140.
11 Percent is for professional staff.
18–19 Totals include Main Library and Medical Center Library. Not able to obtain separate totals for each
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
Library branches included: All.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 In 2011–2012, 1,358,837 titles of electronic books are included.
2 Included special collections: 2,023,582 items.
6–7, 8.a, 14–15,
2010–2011 was 11-month fiscal year ended April 30th.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $4,971,648 (7b)
$6,956,480 (7c) $461,129 (7) $12,389,257 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $4,543,605 (8b) $6,561,687 (8c)
$23,333 (8) $11,128,625 (10) $3,268,744 Overall Expenditures: (7) $12,389,257 (8) $11,128,625 (9)
$1,064,939 (6) $24,582,821 (12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe
Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
9 In 2011–2012, expenses due to main library renovations.
16 In 2010–2011 The number of reference transactions that we have submitted for 2010–2011 was
incorrect. The correct number of reference transactions is 96,116.
Library branches included: Libraries reporting for LSU in addition to the main library are the LSU
Law Library (on campus, administered separately) and the LSU Veterinary Medicine Library (on
campus, administered separately, and reporting as the Health Science Library).
8.c Includes $147,000 paid to graduate assistants for whom the fringe benefit rate is 29%. No fringe for
student workers.
10 Includes fringe benefits for graduate assistants (29% of $147,000 =$42,630). Average fringe for both
categories rounds up to 34%.
11 34% is the rate for regular full-time employees. The fringe rate is 29% for graduate assistants
($147,000), covering health insurance and tuition remission.
13.a Includes only librarians in faculty positions.
13.b Includes staff in civil service, professional/administrative, and library associate classifications.
13.c Includes 6 FTE graduate assistants.
17 This figure includes circulation statistics for the Vet Med Library at LSU (reported as Health Sciences
Library branches included: Art, Health Sciences, Main, Music, and Law (budget and collections only).
Library branches NOT included: Law.

