Footnotes · 91
Library branches included: Bioethics, Blommer Science, Woodstock Theological Library, and SFS-
Qatar Library.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 Decrease due to Main Library numbers being corrected to reflect actual number of titles, print and
11 Editor’s Note: Published figure reflects the official designated percent for the Health Sciences Library,
as this is the maximum value entered for this question.
23 Professional practice degrees have not been included in previous surveys but are included in FY12.
25 This includes all full-time faculty, excluding Medical School faculty.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
11 Staff benefit rates/percentages are based on individual salaries: Above $75,000.00 is 28% between
$50,000 and $74,999 is 34% between $35,000 and $39,999 is 44% and below $35,000 is 55%.
Library branches included: Architecture Library and Archives &Records Management.
1 Increase reflects retrospective cataloging in Government Documents and Maps and the acquisition of
a large Springer e-book and e-journal package.
10 Fringe benefits include: Social Security, life insurance, health insurance, retirement, termination
vacation leave, and other non-payroll benefit expenses includes worker’s compensation,
unemployment compensation, and retiree group insurance.
12 Budget for GALILEO (University and Public Library Systems of Georgia consortia) not available.
18 47 resources. 185,593 article requests from non-COUNTER-compliant sources.
19 169 resources. 199,120 searches from non-COUNTER-compliant sources.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
Library branches included: McLaughlin Library.
6 Library expenditures include Archival &Special Collections values.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $1,475,569 (7b)
$4,396,014 (7c) $990,770 (7) $6,862,353 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $4,107,763 (8b) $2,691,200 (8c)
$198,301 (8) $6,997,264 (10) $1,896,388 Overall Expenditures: (7) $6,862,353 (8) $6,997,264 (9) $809,372
(6) $14,668,989 (12) $23,235. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits
Expenditures (Q10).
7.c “Collection Support” categories are: Document delivery /interlibrary loan charges (including
copyright permissions), miscellaneous charges (including outsourced cataloguing, freight charges,
and binding), sales taxes on scholarly materials, database hosting fees, support for open access, and
support for local and national library consortia.
11 The official designated benefit rate provided is for professional librarian staff bargaining unit UGFA.
Rates across employee units range from 16% to 31.6%.
12 Expenditures from the University of Guelph Trust funds.
14 Includes presentations to groups from the Archival and Special Collections team (34 presentations).
15 Includes presentations to groups from the Archival and Special Collections team (305 participants).
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