80 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
13.b Vacant support positions are frequently held, pending redefinition based on institutional need. Some
are redefined as professional positions.
23 Aggregated data with law includes 260 JD degrees awarded. In previous years JD degrees were not
24 Figure varies by 21% from last year. No doctoral programs have been cut. Data reported in the past
came from a table which did not differentiate programs which do not confer doctoral degrees from
those which have doctoral programs but which did not confer any PhD degrees in that year.
25 Figure reported last year was inaccurate. Many new full-time faculty have been hired over the past
several years, and it appears that the figure being reported was for the previous year.
All figures are as of 12/31/2011.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
18 For items 18–20, the resources are BYU’s subscribed journals &databases.
All figures are as of 03/31/2012.
Library branches included: Art +Architecture +Planning library, Art History Visual Resources
Centre, Asian Library, Audrey &Harry Hawthorn Library &Archives (Museum of Anthropology),
Biomedical Branch Library, Botanical Gardens, Crane Library, David Lam Library, Dr. John Micallef
Memorial Library (St. Mark’s College), Education Library, Geographic Information Centre, Hamber
Library, H.R. MacMillan Library (Vancouver School of Theology), ICICS/Computer Science Reading
Room, John Richard Allison Library (Regent College), Music Library, Okanagan Library, Rare Books
&Special Collections, Robson Square Library, School of Architecture &Landscape Architecture,
Science &Engineering, St. Paul’s Hospital Library, University Archives, Woodward Library, and
Xwi7xwa Library (First Nations House of Learning).
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 Batch-load of e-book MARC records.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $7,267,621 (7b)
$13,069,733 (7c) $276,153 (7) $20,613,507 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $11,386,090 (8b) $6,642,942 (8c)
$1,146,403 (8) $19,175,435 (10) $3,343,208 Overall Expenditures: (7) $20,613,507 (8) $19,175,435 (9)
$4,768,910 (6) $44,557,852 (12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe
Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
7 Includes $4.3M gifts in kind included in 7a.
8.c System-wide reduction in student assistant hours by 10% 2010/11 figure included $116,928 in benefits.
10 Benefits paid from library budget for professional staff ($1,745,090), support staff ($1,485,554), and
student assistants ($112,564).
11 15% for librarians, 16% for other professional staff, and 22% for support staff.
14, 15 Continued multi-year increase trend more course-integrated instruction sessions.
18 Reporting for 32 COUNTER compliant e-journal platforms not a comprehensive count.
19 Reporting for 14 COUNTER compliant database platforms not a comprehensive count.
22 Transition to online.
Library branches included: Includes Rockefeller Library, Sciences Library, John Hay Library, Orwig
Music Library, Library Collections Annex, and John Carter Brown Library.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

80 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
13.b Vacant support positions are frequently held, pending redefinition based on institutional need. Some
are redefined as professional positions.
23 Aggregated data with law includes 260 JD degrees awarded. In previous years JD degrees were not
24 Figure varies by 21% from last year. No doctoral programs have been cut. Data reported in the past
came from a table which did not differentiate programs which do not confer doctoral degrees from
those which have doctoral programs but which did not confer any PhD degrees in that year.
25 Figure reported last year was inaccurate. Many new full-time faculty have been hired over the past
several years, and it appears that the figure being reported was for the previous year.
All figures are as of 12/31/2011.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
18 For items 18–20, the resources are BYU’s subscribed journals &databases.
All figures are as of 03/31/2012.
Library branches included: Art +Architecture +Planning library, Art History Visual Resources
Centre, Asian Library, Audrey &Harry Hawthorn Library &Archives (Museum of Anthropology),
Biomedical Branch Library, Botanical Gardens, Crane Library, David Lam Library, Dr. John Micallef
Memorial Library (St. Mark’s College), Education Library, Geographic Information Centre, Hamber
Library, H.R. MacMillan Library (Vancouver School of Theology), ICICS/Computer Science Reading
Room, John Richard Allison Library (Regent College), Music Library, Okanagan Library, Rare Books
&Special Collections, Robson Square Library, School of Architecture &Landscape Architecture,
Science &Engineering, St. Paul’s Hospital Library, University Archives, Woodward Library, and
Xwi7xwa Library (First Nations House of Learning).
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 Batch-load of e-book MARC records.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $7,267,621 (7b)
$13,069,733 (7c) $276,153 (7) $20,613,507 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $11,386,090 (8b) $6,642,942 (8c)
$1,146,403 (8) $19,175,435 (10) $3,343,208 Overall Expenditures: (7) $20,613,507 (8) $19,175,435 (9)
$4,768,910 (6) $44,557,852 (12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe
Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
7 Includes $4.3M gifts in kind included in 7a.
8.c System-wide reduction in student assistant hours by 10% 2010/11 figure included $116,928 in benefits.
10 Benefits paid from library budget for professional staff ($1,745,090), support staff ($1,485,554), and
student assistants ($112,564).
11 15% for librarians, 16% for other professional staff, and 22% for support staff.
14, 15 Continued multi-year increase trend more course-integrated instruction sessions.
18 Reporting for 32 COUNTER compliant e-journal platforms not a comprehensive count.
19 Reporting for 14 COUNTER compliant database platforms not a comprehensive count.
22 Transition to online.
Library branches included: Includes Rockefeller Library, Sciences Library, John Hay Library, Orwig
Music Library, Library Collections Annex, and John Carter Brown Library.

