128 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
18–20 For calendar year 2011.
21 The lending agent has other sources and supplies from the most appropriate one.
22 Reorganization within NRC, additional alignment of the collection, and a shift in user needs have
resulted in a drop in document delivery requests.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: Library Services, including nonpersonals for six LC overseas offices Law
Library of Congress.
Library branches NOT included: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped,
Congressional Research Service, and U.S. Copyright Office.
1 Title count is reported including all cataloged monographs, serials, manuscripts, computer files,
e-books, printed music, audiovisual materials, technical reports, and books in raised type. Title count
of materials in classified collections (with LC Classification numbers) is 13,241,783. An additional
611,126 e-resources are loaded in a separate catalog. A manuscript item listed in an item-level finding
aid linked to a collection-level bibliographic record is reported as one title. Number of titles is much
higher than for 2010–2011 when only print monographs and serials that had been assigned LC
Classification numbers were reported as “titles.”
4 Includes 516,943 e-books in LC Electronic Resources Online Catalog and 997 in LC OPAC. Does not
include e-serials.
7.c Includes contract binding ($1,444,792), collections security devices, acquisitions mail sorting
and handling, support for duplicate materials exchange programs, interlibrary loans received,
bibliographic utilities services, and literature searching. ILL, utilities services, and literature
searching are part of OCLC membership and also include FEDLINK administrative fee of 6.75
percent. Security stripping, ownership targets, acquisitions mail handling, and duplicate materials
exchange support are part of the same contract and cannot be separated out.
9 Computer hardware, software, and support. The Library of Congress buildings are owned by the
Architect of the Capitol. Building construction and maintenance are not included in this number.
10 Includes federal employer’s portion of health care insurance premiums, optional life insurance, etc.
Does not include retirement plan set-asides.
18 Includes exact counts from EBSCO, ProQuest, and Gale databases, totaling 598,005 for these three
aggregators together and estimated 11,995 from Hein Online and several direct-access online
journals. Counts are for on-site retrieval of journal and newspaper articles or page views.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: DC Reference Center.
10 Fringe benefits include employer’s portion of health insurance, life insurance, defined benefit
retirement plan, and the employer’s match of an employee’s 401K contribution.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: All NARA facilities.
6 Increase in expenditures is a result of the inclusion of funding (and therefore expenses) for the
development of NARA’s Electronic Records Archives (ERA) within NARA’s general appropriations
for the first time. Previously, ERA funding was allocated as a separate line item.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

128 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
18–20 For calendar year 2011.
21 The lending agent has other sources and supplies from the most appropriate one.
22 Reorganization within NRC, additional alignment of the collection, and a shift in user needs have
resulted in a drop in document delivery requests.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: Library Services, including nonpersonals for six LC overseas offices Law
Library of Congress.
Library branches NOT included: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped,
Congressional Research Service, and U.S. Copyright Office.
1 Title count is reported including all cataloged monographs, serials, manuscripts, computer files,
e-books, printed music, audiovisual materials, technical reports, and books in raised type. Title count
of materials in classified collections (with LC Classification numbers) is 13,241,783. An additional
611,126 e-resources are loaded in a separate catalog. A manuscript item listed in an item-level finding
aid linked to a collection-level bibliographic record is reported as one title. Number of titles is much
higher than for 2010–2011 when only print monographs and serials that had been assigned LC
Classification numbers were reported as “titles.”
4 Includes 516,943 e-books in LC Electronic Resources Online Catalog and 997 in LC OPAC. Does not
include e-serials.
7.c Includes contract binding ($1,444,792), collections security devices, acquisitions mail sorting
and handling, support for duplicate materials exchange programs, interlibrary loans received,
bibliographic utilities services, and literature searching. ILL, utilities services, and literature
searching are part of OCLC membership and also include FEDLINK administrative fee of 6.75
percent. Security stripping, ownership targets, acquisitions mail handling, and duplicate materials
exchange support are part of the same contract and cannot be separated out.
9 Computer hardware, software, and support. The Library of Congress buildings are owned by the
Architect of the Capitol. Building construction and maintenance are not included in this number.
10 Includes federal employer’s portion of health care insurance premiums, optional life insurance, etc.
Does not include retirement plan set-asides.
18 Includes exact counts from EBSCO, ProQuest, and Gale databases, totaling 598,005 for these three
aggregators together and estimated 11,995 from Hein Online and several direct-access online
journals. Counts are for on-site retrieval of journal and newspaper articles or page views.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: DC Reference Center.
10 Fringe benefits include employer’s portion of health insurance, life insurance, defined benefit
retirement plan, and the employer’s match of an employee’s 401K contribution.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: All NARA facilities.
6 Increase in expenditures is a result of the inclusion of funding (and therefore expenses) for the
development of NARA’s Electronic Records Archives (ERA) within NARA’s general appropriations
for the first time. Previously, ERA funding was allocated as a separate line item.

