124 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $1,143,008 (7b)
$6,605,429 (7c) $353,871 (7) $8,102,308 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $2,848,920 (8b) $3,859,747 (8c)
$881,743 (8) $7,590,410 (10) $1,602,124 Overall Expenditures: (7) $8,102,308 (8) $7,590,410 (9) $1,169,926
(6) $16,862,644 (12) $0. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures
11 18-24% depending on whether they have single or family benefits.
14–15 The library has been offering more workshops and they are better attended.
18–20 Reporting for calendar year 2011.
19–20 This count does not include searches done through our Primo Central deep search e-content indexes.
21 The expanding availability of electronic resources is likely the reason for the drop in ILL requests.
23, 29 This increase can be attributed to one of the University’s Sixth Decade Plan (2007–2017) goals: “UW
will significantly enhance its graduate programs in both quality and in quantity.”
26–29 As of Fall 2011.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: Includes the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, the Shiffman
Medical Library, and the Neef Law Library. The Medical and Law library statistics cannot be
disaggregated from the main statistics because the Medical and Law collections are an integral part
of the main library.
1 This count includes 14,892 titles from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch). The WSU Libraries are also engaged in a substantial weeding of the
collections, withdrawing 67,057 print volumes in this fiscal year. Our title count was over reported
in 2010–11 by 38,759 because we counted DDA catalog records for items that had not yet been
2 This count includes 22,265 volumes from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch). The shift from a physical count to a bibliographic count contributes to
the decline in volume count. The WSU Libraries are also engaged in a substantial weeding of the
collections, withdrawing 67,057 print volumes in this fiscal year. Our volume count was over reported
in 2010–11 by 38,759 because we counted DDA records that had not yet been purchased.
3 The volumes count for previous years have been physical. The shift from a physical count to a
bibliographic count contributes to the decline in holdings noted here.
6 These expenditures include $1,073,540 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7 These expenditures include $277 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7.a These expenditures include $197 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7.b These expenditures include $80 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7.c Collection Support is the sum of our expenditures on bibliographic utilities, networks and consortia
($146,853), contract binding ($34,819), and document delivery/ILL ($149,114).
8 This total includes $1,031,837 in salaries and wages from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban
Affairs (WSU’s Special Collections Branch).
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

124 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $1,143,008 (7b)
$6,605,429 (7c) $353,871 (7) $8,102,308 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $2,848,920 (8b) $3,859,747 (8c)
$881,743 (8) $7,590,410 (10) $1,602,124 Overall Expenditures: (7) $8,102,308 (8) $7,590,410 (9) $1,169,926
(6) $16,862,644 (12) $0. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures
11 18-24% depending on whether they have single or family benefits.
14–15 The library has been offering more workshops and they are better attended.
18–20 Reporting for calendar year 2011.
19–20 This count does not include searches done through our Primo Central deep search e-content indexes.
21 The expanding availability of electronic resources is likely the reason for the drop in ILL requests.
23, 29 This increase can be attributed to one of the University’s Sixth Decade Plan (2007–2017) goals: “UW
will significantly enhance its graduate programs in both quality and in quantity.”
26–29 As of Fall 2011.
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: Includes the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, the Shiffman
Medical Library, and the Neef Law Library. The Medical and Law library statistics cannot be
disaggregated from the main statistics because the Medical and Law collections are an integral part
of the main library.
1 This count includes 14,892 titles from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch). The WSU Libraries are also engaged in a substantial weeding of the
collections, withdrawing 67,057 print volumes in this fiscal year. Our title count was over reported
in 2010–11 by 38,759 because we counted DDA catalog records for items that had not yet been
2 This count includes 22,265 volumes from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch). The shift from a physical count to a bibliographic count contributes to
the decline in volume count. The WSU Libraries are also engaged in a substantial weeding of the
collections, withdrawing 67,057 print volumes in this fiscal year. Our volume count was over reported
in 2010–11 by 38,759 because we counted DDA records that had not yet been purchased.
3 The volumes count for previous years have been physical. The shift from a physical count to a
bibliographic count contributes to the decline in holdings noted here.
6 These expenditures include $1,073,540 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7 These expenditures include $277 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7.a These expenditures include $197 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7.b These expenditures include $80 from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs (WSU’s
Special Collections Branch).
7.c Collection Support is the sum of our expenditures on bibliographic utilities, networks and consortia
($146,853), contract binding ($34,819), and document delivery/ILL ($149,114).
8 This total includes $1,031,837 in salaries and wages from the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban
Affairs (WSU’s Special Collections Branch).

