94 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
HOUSTON, cont.
8.a The Library defines professional staff as librarians, the business manager, development director,
and level 3 and above programmers and web developers. This definition was applied this year
and accounts for the decrease in professional staff expenditures and increase in support staff
13.a The Libraries were able to create and fill several new professional positions during the past year.
Most of the individuals in those positions joined the Libraries during the last month or two of the
fiscal year, so their expended salaries did not have a significant impact this year.
15 The Libraries have increased the number of librarians delivering instruction to students, resulting in
an increase in the number of students who attended instructional programs.
16 Includes 9,178 questions answered by Special Collections department.
Library branches included: These data are for the central library group only, comprising Founders
Library, the Undergraduate Library and branches in the Architecture Department and the Schools of
Business, Divinity, and Social Work.
Library branches NOT included: Moorland Spingarn Research Center.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
11 Editor’s Note: Published figure reflects the official designated percent for the Law Library, as this is
the maximum value entered for this question.
7.c Collection support includes equipment bibliographic utility fee to Innovative Interfaces, Inc. and
memberships in NERL, Lyrasis, and the Washington Research Library Consortium.
8.a This figure for professional salaries does not include the salary for the new director of university
libraries who was at Howard as consultant from August 2011 to February 2012 and then hired
effective February 26, 2012.
HOWARD, cont.
8.c Previously we only reported library funding of student wage workers. This year we have included
funds that students were awarded by the Financial Aid Office, per ARL instructions.
9 Howard University also offers disability benefits, long-term care benefits, commuter benefits, an
Employee Assistance Program, and a host of other discounted opportunities.
10 The fringe benefits include paid annual and sick leave, tuition remission for employees and offspring,
discounted health (medical, dental, and vision) insurance, life insurance, employer contributions
to retirement packages, discounted legal counsel programs, and discounted purchasing programs,
including home and auto insurance.
14 Library services were consolidated in the Undergraduate Library for a portion of the Fall 2011
semester following the earthquake that damaged Founders Library. Staff were more visible in UGL
and interacted with students there. Librarians also conducted more bibliographic instruction sessions
in the academic classroom buildings since the Founders Library’s Digital Classroom was inaccessible
for a portion of the year. These factors resulted in higher contact numbers.
21 This includes lending to the students and faculty at universities that hold membership in the
Washington Research Library Consortium. Lending is facilitated by the Consortium Loan Service’s
pick-up and delivery service.
23 In previous years we only reported the number of PhD degree recipients. ARL’s broader description
of doctor’s degrees enabled us to count professional degrees that had been overlooked in the past.
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94 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
HOUSTON, cont.
8.a The Library defines professional staff as librarians, the business manager, development director,
and level 3 and above programmers and web developers. This definition was applied this year
and accounts for the decrease in professional staff expenditures and increase in support staff
13.a The Libraries were able to create and fill several new professional positions during the past year.
Most of the individuals in those positions joined the Libraries during the last month or two of the
fiscal year, so their expended salaries did not have a significant impact this year.
15 The Libraries have increased the number of librarians delivering instruction to students, resulting in
an increase in the number of students who attended instructional programs.
16 Includes 9,178 questions answered by Special Collections department.
Library branches included: These data are for the central library group only, comprising Founders
Library, the Undergraduate Library and branches in the Architecture Department and the Schools of
Business, Divinity, and Social Work.
Library branches NOT included: Moorland Spingarn Research Center.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
11 Editor’s Note: Published figure reflects the official designated percent for the Law Library, as this is
the maximum value entered for this question.
7.c Collection support includes equipment bibliographic utility fee to Innovative Interfaces, Inc. and
memberships in NERL, Lyrasis, and the Washington Research Library Consortium.
8.a This figure for professional salaries does not include the salary for the new director of university
libraries who was at Howard as consultant from August 2011 to February 2012 and then hired
effective February 26, 2012.
HOWARD, cont.
8.c Previously we only reported library funding of student wage workers. This year we have included
funds that students were awarded by the Financial Aid Office, per ARL instructions.
9 Howard University also offers disability benefits, long-term care benefits, commuter benefits, an
Employee Assistance Program, and a host of other discounted opportunities.
10 The fringe benefits include paid annual and sick leave, tuition remission for employees and offspring,
discounted health (medical, dental, and vision) insurance, life insurance, employer contributions
to retirement packages, discounted legal counsel programs, and discounted purchasing programs,
including home and auto insurance.
14 Library services were consolidated in the Undergraduate Library for a portion of the Fall 2011
semester following the earthquake that damaged Founders Library. Staff were more visible in UGL
and interacted with students there. Librarians also conducted more bibliographic instruction sessions
in the academic classroom buildings since the Founders Library’s Digital Classroom was inaccessible
for a portion of the year. These factors resulted in higher contact numbers.
21 This includes lending to the students and faculty at universities that hold membership in the
Washington Research Library Consortium. Lending is facilitated by the Consortium Loan Service’s
pick-up and delivery service.
23 In previous years we only reported the number of PhD degree recipients. ARL’s broader description
of doctor’s degrees enabled us to count professional degrees that had been overlooked in the past.

