ARL Statistics Questionnaire 2011–2012 · 67
If your library digitizes content from its own collection and the content is accessible under current copyright law
you can report it. Do not count HathiTrust, CRL, Internet Archive, etc. unless your library owns the digitized
item and it is accessible under current copyright law.
For demand driven acquisition report titles only after they are purchased. If a library does not provide access to
a title, do not report it.
NOTE: Titles held is not related to the items reported under Volumes held defined prior to 2011–12.
Question 2. Volumes in Library. Use the ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004 definition for volume as follows:
a single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed,
or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding,
encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged,
classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge
circulation transactions. Either a serial volume is bound, or it comprises the serial
issues that would be bound together if the library bound all serials.
Include duplicates and bound volumes of periodicals. For purposes of this questionnaire, unclassified
bound serials arranged in alphabetical order are considered classified. Exclude microforms, maps, nonprint
materials, and uncataloged items. If any of these items cannot be excluded, please provide an explanatory
Include government document volumes that are accessible through the library ’s catalogs regardless
o f whether they are separately shelved. “Classified” includes documents arranged by Superintendent of
Documents, CODOC, or similar numbers. “Cataloged” includes documents for which records are provided
by the library or downloaded from other sources into the library’s card or online catalogs. Documents should, to
the extent possible, be counted as they would if they were in bound volumes (e.g., 12 issues of an annual serial
would be one or two volumes). Title and piece counts should not be considered the same as volume counts. If
a volume count has not been kept, it may be estimated through sampling a representative group of title
records and determining the corresponding number of volumes, then extrapolating to the rest of the
collection. As an alternative, an estimate may be made using the following formulae:
52 documents pieces per foot
10 “traditional” volumes per foot
5.2 documents pieces per volume
Include e-book units, as long as these e-books are owned or leased and have been cataloged by your
library. Include electronic books purchased through vendors such as NetLibrary® or Books 24x7, and e-books
that come as part of aggregate services. Include individual titles of e-book sets that are treated as individual
reference sources. Include locally digitized electronic books and electronic theses and dissertations. Provide a
footnote reporting the products and the number of titles in a note.
Include volumes purchased collectively where the cost is shared at the time of purchase.
If either formulas or sampling are used for deriving your count, please indicate in a footnote.
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