106 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
18 University of New Mexico University Libraries has begun utilizing an electronic resources manager
(ERM) to track usage of electronic resources. COUNTER-compliant data for some vendors is
now harvested automatically by the ERM. Additionally, a new employee specifically tasked with
manually accumulating data for additional providers was hired. Finally, the Libraries have invested
in a discovery service, making articles more easily findable by users. Thus, the combination of a new
ERM, a new staff member dedicated to statistics, and a new discovery service has led to a higher
number of full-text article requests and full-regular searches identified this year.
20 The University Libraries launched a federated search program (as defined by COUNTER) in January,
resulting in a large increase in federated searches. Of the number reported here, 31,910,076 are the
result of this new federated search. While “It is recommend[sic] that ONLY data that follow the
COUNTER definitions be reported,” an exception has been made here to capture this data. The
vendor has not yet begun to provide COUNTER-compliant numbers for these searches.
Library branches included: Bobst, Courant, SCPS (Jack Brause), Institute of Fine Arts, Institute Study
of the Ancient World, and Abu Dhabi.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 For Division of Libraries, reduction in volume count is the result of new method of obtaining
statistics: collection snapshots have replaced manual transaction counts volume counts for years
prior to AA 2011–12 reflect piece counts rather than volumes as defined in ARL instructions.
8, 13 For the Division of Libraries, salary expenditures are reported for the following three categories
of employees: exempt (Q8a), non-exempt (Q8b), and student employees (Q8c). The delineation of
employee categories is derived from expenditure by account as recorded in NYU’s general ledger.
Salary expenditures are not a one-to-one match with the counts reported in Q13, which reflects the
employee classification methodology developed by the Dean of Libraries.
10 Fringe benefits assessed by the university at a rate of 29% on salary and wage expenses broadly
cover categories such as the following: employee benefits (medical, dental, vision, retirement plan,
insurance, etc.), federal and state payroll taxes, and tuition remission for employees and their
dependents and graduate student fellows.
13.a For Division of Libraries, increase in professional FTE is attributed to an increase in Division of
Libraries’ staff due increased technical operations.
21 For Division of Libraries, improved identification processes and workflow for collections access and
23 Professional Practice Degrees were not previously reported. We have correctly included them this
year, and this accounts for the variance.
24 For NYU’s Washington Square campus, doctoral degrees reflect fields in which they are currently
Library branches included: Davis Main Library, Undergraduate Library, Wilson Special Collections
Library, Institute of Marine Sciences Library, School of Government Library, Music Library, Art
Library, School of Information and Library Science Library, Kenan Science Library, Science Annex,
and Stone Center Library.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 Total listed for Law and Academic Affairs Library includes only titles in book format.
4 Slowing in e-book growth due primarily to cancellation of ebrary electronic book collection in
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