104 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
8 Difference from previous year is because FY2011 was exceptional in that there were 27 biweekly
payroll dates, resulting in artificially high annual salary expenses.
9 Decrease in other operating expenses reflects transfer of several collection support expense categories
to the collections budget in response to reductions in central University budget allocations. These
expenses are recorded in collection support.
10 Retirement or pension, group life &disability insurance, workers compensation, unemployment
insurance, Social Security, Medicare, tuition component for graduate assistants, and accrued vacation
payout on termination.
11 Reported percentage is for professional staff. Percentage may vary with job class, percent FTE, and
length of appointment.
19 Not available because so many of our databases are not COUNTER compliant. Any attempt at an
aggregated count would be prohibitively time consuming.
23 New definition includes non-research doctoral degrees. In previous years our reported counts
included only PhD and other research doctorates.
Library branches included: Main Library, Archives, Math, Engineering, Geology, Journalism, Vet
Med, and Health Sciences Library.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
1,2, 7.a, 7.b,
8.a, 8.c, 13.a,
Special Collections figures not included on this survey listed in their own survey this year.
6 Total Library Expenditures for 2010–2011 (formerly Q21) revised to $16,416,732.
7 Total Library Materials Expenditures for 2010–2011 (formerly Q16) revised to $8,918,093. Expenditures
for Serial Titles for 2010–2011 (formerly Q16b) revised to $7,453,726.
7b Ongoing electronic resource purchases for 2010–2011 (formerly Q23) revised to $6,613,320.
10 FICA, medical, dental, life, long term disability, retirement, unemployment compensation, workers’
compensation, educational assistance, education fee reduction, service awards, and wellness
18 Data from publishers and aggregated databases consulted for usage.
19 Data was adjusted to remove estimated search widget usage.
20 MU Libraries do not subscribe to a federated search service.
23 This year includes first professional doctorate degrees (Medicine, Vet Medicine, and Law).
26 Includes the first professional students.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012 [Bibliothèques UdeM, École Polytechnique de Montréal, HEC
Library branches included: École Polytechnique de Montréal and HEC Montréal.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 For the past years, we only included book titles. This year, it’s titles for all types of document.
[Bibliothèques UdeM]
6–9 At the request of the Quebec government, the fiscal year at the University of Montreal starts on May
1 and ends April 30 since 2011. As a result, exceptionally last year 2010–2011, data from the libraries of
the University of Montreal were spread over 11 months rather than 12. [Bibliothèques UdeM]
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

104 · ARL Statistics 2011–2012
8 Difference from previous year is because FY2011 was exceptional in that there were 27 biweekly
payroll dates, resulting in artificially high annual salary expenses.
9 Decrease in other operating expenses reflects transfer of several collection support expense categories
to the collections budget in response to reductions in central University budget allocations. These
expenses are recorded in collection support.
10 Retirement or pension, group life &disability insurance, workers compensation, unemployment
insurance, Social Security, Medicare, tuition component for graduate assistants, and accrued vacation
payout on termination.
11 Reported percentage is for professional staff. Percentage may vary with job class, percent FTE, and
length of appointment.
19 Not available because so many of our databases are not COUNTER compliant. Any attempt at an
aggregated count would be prohibitively time consuming.
23 New definition includes non-research doctoral degrees. In previous years our reported counts
included only PhD and other research doctorates.
Library branches included: Main Library, Archives, Math, Engineering, Geology, Journalism, Vet
Med, and Health Sciences Library.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
1,2, 7.a, 7.b,
8.a, 8.c, 13.a,
Special Collections figures not included on this survey listed in their own survey this year.
6 Total Library Expenditures for 2010–2011 (formerly Q21) revised to $16,416,732.
7 Total Library Materials Expenditures for 2010–2011 (formerly Q16) revised to $8,918,093. Expenditures
for Serial Titles for 2010–2011 (formerly Q16b) revised to $7,453,726.
7b Ongoing electronic resource purchases for 2010–2011 (formerly Q23) revised to $6,613,320.
10 FICA, medical, dental, life, long term disability, retirement, unemployment compensation, workers’
compensation, educational assistance, education fee reduction, service awards, and wellness
18 Data from publishers and aggregated databases consulted for usage.
19 Data was adjusted to remove estimated search widget usage.
20 MU Libraries do not subscribe to a federated search service.
23 This year includes first professional doctorate degrees (Medicine, Vet Medicine, and Law).
26 Includes the first professional students.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012 [Bibliothèques UdeM, École Polytechnique de Montréal, HEC
Library branches included: École Polytechnique de Montréal and HEC Montréal.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
1 For the past years, we only included book titles. This year, it’s titles for all types of document.
[Bibliothèques UdeM]
6–9 At the request of the Quebec government, the fiscal year at the University of Montreal starts on May
1 and ends April 30 since 2011. As a result, exceptionally last year 2010–2011, data from the libraries of
the University of Montreal were spread over 11 months rather than 12. [Bibliothèques UdeM]

