Footnotes · 79
AUBURN, cont.
29 PT grad students 2010–11 revised to 2,241.
Library branches included: Mugar, Theology, and Special Collections.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
2 Mugar has had a 42% increase in volume count over last year’s count. This increase was due to our
cataloging a large backlog of e-books during the current fiscal year. The ARL Guideline stipulates
that an increase of more than 4% should be footnoted. The volumes held include the number of
e-books indicated in question 4. These e-books are paid for by Mugar, but available to all of BU.
7.c Categories included are memberships ($34,392), ILL ($47,730), remote storage and delivery ($105,600),
binding ($84,753), and access/direct borrowing ($89,427), for a total of $361,902.
10 Includes professional and support staff.
11 28% for professional staff 25% for support staff. Rate for all libraries.
18–20 These answers are reported for all of BU, not just for Mugar. A representative sample of 89 indexes,
full-text journal aggregations, and digital archival newspapers were chosen based on their status as
the most popular amongst users (representing the bulk of database usage), and their compliance with
COUNTER standards. Some of these databases contain e-books as counted in question 4, but these
figures do not represent a comprehensive count of e-book usage.
19–20 Indexing databases do not provide full text, so register no such usage. Not all databases report
federated searches as a separate category, so that federated searches of those databases will have been
counted as “regular searches” (question 19).
All figures are as of 05/31/2012.
Library branches included: Bapst Art Library, Social Work Library, Educational Resource Center,
Theology and Ministry Library, and John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
Due to changes in personnel, data methodology is under review.
1 Data may be lower than expected due to reporting problems with migration to new automated
2 Added this year: 47,944 e-books: 1,186 individual titles, 244 locally digitized, 143 eTDs, 46,371 added
for packages (Cambridge Histories Online, ACLS Humanities, NBER working papers, Oxford
Reference Online, Oxford Scholarship Online: Social Work, Oxford Scholarship Online: Religion,
CSA PsycBooks, Latin American women writers, Elsevier Science Direct collections, Springer E-book
collections, The Sixties, EEBO, Palgrave collections, Overdrive.
7 Data for previous year did not include materials expenditures for the Burns Library (ca $690K) or
the ERC (ca $90K). Materials budget increase for O’Neill Library was 7%, other libraries 2.6%. Some
lapsed salary funds were also applied to materials (ca $187K).
9 Includes consortial memberships, bibliographic utilities, binding, Rapid, Copyright Clearance
expenditures, as well as general operating budget expenditures.
10 Includes tuition remission, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, TIAA-CREF and Fidelity
retirement plans, medical insurance, dental insurance, adoption benefit, sick leave, vacation time,
paid holidays.
12 Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners provides us with access to Academic Onefile
($21,069), Health Reference Center Academic ($6,401), and Literature Resource Center ($20,671).
Figures are list prices.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

Footnotes · 79
AUBURN, cont.
29 PT grad students 2010–11 revised to 2,241.
Library branches included: Mugar, Theology, and Special Collections.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Libraries are included in the figures reported.
2 Mugar has had a 42% increase in volume count over last year’s count. This increase was due to our
cataloging a large backlog of e-books during the current fiscal year. The ARL Guideline stipulates
that an increase of more than 4% should be footnoted. The volumes held include the number of
e-books indicated in question 4. These e-books are paid for by Mugar, but available to all of BU.
7.c Categories included are memberships ($34,392), ILL ($47,730), remote storage and delivery ($105,600),
binding ($84,753), and access/direct borrowing ($89,427), for a total of $361,902.
10 Includes professional and support staff.
11 28% for professional staff 25% for support staff. Rate for all libraries.
18–20 These answers are reported for all of BU, not just for Mugar. A representative sample of 89 indexes,
full-text journal aggregations, and digital archival newspapers were chosen based on their status as
the most popular amongst users (representing the bulk of database usage), and their compliance with
COUNTER standards. Some of these databases contain e-books as counted in question 4, but these
figures do not represent a comprehensive count of e-book usage.
19–20 Indexing databases do not provide full text, so register no such usage. Not all databases report
federated searches as a separate category, so that federated searches of those databases will have been
counted as “regular searches” (question 19).
All figures are as of 05/31/2012.
Library branches included: Bapst Art Library, Social Work Library, Educational Resource Center,
Theology and Ministry Library, and John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections.
Data from the Law Library are included in the figures reported.
Due to changes in personnel, data methodology is under review.
1 Data may be lower than expected due to reporting problems with migration to new automated
2 Added this year: 47,944 e-books: 1,186 individual titles, 244 locally digitized, 143 eTDs, 46,371 added
for packages (Cambridge Histories Online, ACLS Humanities, NBER working papers, Oxford
Reference Online, Oxford Scholarship Online: Social Work, Oxford Scholarship Online: Religion,
CSA PsycBooks, Latin American women writers, Elsevier Science Direct collections, Springer E-book
collections, The Sixties, EEBO, Palgrave collections, Overdrive.
7 Data for previous year did not include materials expenditures for the Burns Library (ca $690K) or
the ERC (ca $90K). Materials budget increase for O’Neill Library was 7%, other libraries 2.6%. Some
lapsed salary funds were also applied to materials (ca $187K).
9 Includes consortial memberships, bibliographic utilities, binding, Rapid, Copyright Clearance
expenditures, as well as general operating budget expenditures.
10 Includes tuition remission, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, TIAA-CREF and Fidelity
retirement plans, medical insurance, dental insurance, adoption benefit, sick leave, vacation time,
paid holidays.
12 Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners provides us with access to Academic Onefile
($21,069), Health Reference Center Academic ($6,401), and Literature Resource Center ($20,671).
Figures are list prices.

