SPEC Kit 309: Library Support for Study Abroad · 43
Number of programs
Programs that receive
library support have:
Number of programs
Programs that receive
library support will:
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same Stay about the same Stay about the same
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same Stay about the same Stay about the same
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same Stay about the same Stay about the same
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same Decrease Decrease
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same Stay about the same Stay about the same
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same
Stayed about the same Stayed about the same Stay about the same Stay about the same
Increased Increase Increase
Additional Comments
28. Please enter any additional information about library support for study abroad programs that
may assist the author in accurately analyzing the results of this survey. N=9
“In the fall of 2007 the Library surveyed ca. 400 students who had spent the summer abroad. The survey
focused on students’ library and information needs and how and to what extent they are met. Based on the
survey results, we are developing a pre-departure orientation focused on library and information resources, to
be followed by another return survey.”
“Most services to study abroad participants are available to all members of the University community. Remote
patron services in general are developed with study abroad participants in mind. Education and outreach to
study abroad participants is the primary component of library service to this group.”
“Subject librarians were very involved in the startup of this program, and provided consultation on specific
titles for the host institution to purchase to support the programs. We also had an onsite visit by the host
institution program administrator and librarian to learn more about our services and collections. Librarians
from home plan to visit SIM in the future.”
“We do not have any particular initiatives aimed at study abroad participants. We have a large number of
distance students (remote users) to begin with and we provide the same level of support for study abroad
students as we do for distance students. At this point we are not sure that the students heading off to study
abroad programs know that the services we have for distance users apply to them. Anecdotally, we do get
feedback every semester from students who go abroad and tell us that their access to our library’s databases
and full-text journals were a lifesaver.”
“We probably need to examine our marketing to make sure study abroad students know what resources and
services are available to them remotely, especially for all of the other study abroad options offered by the
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