SPEC Kit 314: Processing Decisions for Manuscripts &Archives · 105
Staff Training
19. Please indicate how staff who are responsible for processing manuscript and archival collections
receive(d) their training. Check all that apply. N=72
On the job 72 100%
Professional association-sponsored workshops 66 92%
Library school 65 90%
Peers 56 78%
Conferences 54 75%
Professional journals and readings 54 75%
Electronic discussion lists 39 54%
In-house workshops 34 47%
Blog and online readings 26 36%
Other opportunity 8 11%
Please describe other opportunity. N=8
Graduate program in museum studies with archives emphasis.
Graduate school in applied history programs.
Other university courses/archives programs and professional certification processes.
Rare Book School.
Some of our graduate student assistants and professional FTE have completed archives and manuscript sequences in
history departments.
Staff/Unit Training.
Student assistants who do the bulk of processing are trained by staff and use the processing manual as a reference.
Student processors (some undergraduates, but chiefly archive-oriented library school students) are given intensive in-
house formal training individually and as a group.
20. What are the most important skills that staff need to acquire for processing manuscript and
archival collections today? N=69
1. Basic knowledge of rehousing techniques. 2. Ability to organize collections. 3. Ability to write clear and concise
collection and series descriptions.
1. Formal education in library/archival work, particularly cataloguing/archival description. 2. Appropriate subject
background 3. Interest in and ability to analyse and articulate the content and context of archival material within the
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