62 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Please enter any additional comments about future changes to senior administrative positions.
An Executive Officer needs to have at least a Certified Management Accountant qualification.
I am stepping down effective September 1, 2012. One of the current AULs is stepping down effective January 1, 2013.
Two more of the AULs will retire by September 1, 2015, at the latest. Because of this last fact, we have determined
to advertise the current AUL position as it exists. Doing so will provide a measure of stability until the new university
librarian is on board and has a hand in selecting this first AUL replacement including indicating to the finalists that the
focus and scope of the position could change in the future. The subsequent two retirements will provide an excellent
opportunity to rethink the library’s structure and administrative organization.
I think the level just below is the one more in flux at the moment, with new skills needed by managers and other
professionals to deal with new roles such as data curation, creating new digital tools, social media, etc.
It is unlikely we would change in the next 1–3 years because with the transition to a new dean in 2011/2012 we have
realigned our senior administration and our organization in recent months. Until new influences come into play, such as
our retirements or the impact of trends on our strategies and use of resources, we would not expect changes to occur
that would disrupt the new continuity in our organization.
Ongoing emphasis on developing the research library of the 21st century will have an impact on these positions
The dean would like to also create a position focused on high-level leadership of space planning (including collections
shifts, strategic changes in service, and high-level facilities management). Whether or not that position reports directly
to her, the realization of that vision will likely be created by re-purposing a vacancy at a middle management or even at
a non-managerial level.
The redesign of the Libraries is now pretty much complete.
There will be fewer senior administrative positions (at the associate director/dean level) as budgets become tighter and
more focus on “user facing” librarians and other professionals.
University pressure to continue to eliminate positions and downsize, even to eliminate senior administrative positions.
We have just completed a strategic planning process and are in the process of determining the impact on our
organizational structure and specific positions. Until this process is completed, it is difficult to respond in any
detail about how positions might change. Some of the principles that will guide any future reorganization are
greater alignment of positions with the strategic plan, operational efficiency, better communication throughout the
organization and reducing the number of direct reports to the dean.
Additional Comments
12. Please enter any additional information that may assist the authors’ understanding of senior
administrative positions at your library. N=15
A key issue is managing the time of the dean it is difficult if there are too many direct reports, since those can
include not only the AULs, but also categories like development officer, public relations, and even occasionally office
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