56 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Reading higher education materials.
Regular personal reflection.
Take advantage of opportunities at your institution stay in tune with your home institution.
The “school of hard knocks” that we get in day-to-day experience. Willingness to take on and pursue assignments or
projects that will stretch one. Targeted professional development leaves. Engaging in the intellectual rigor of scholarly
writing and presentation. Broad reading beyond the professional literature to include the literature of higher education
and of leadership itself. Keen observation of other leaders (both good and bad). Self-awareness (of both thought and
behavior). Asking for and actively seeking to profit from feedback (from superiors, peers, and subordinates).
Through direct experience, and through modeling and mentoring by other administrators and leaders at the institution
and in local consortia and the statewide professional community.
University courses, advanced degrees.
Working with systems designers and vendors to better learn technology architecture and functionality and design.
Workshops. Mentoring.
Qualities and Attributes of Senior Library Administrators
8. Below is a list (adapted from one developed by Hernon, Powell, and Young, 2001) of qualities and
attributes that senior library administrators may need to perform effectively in their positions and
that may not be captured in a position description. Please indicate which of these qualities and
attributes would be desirable for those who manage your 21st century research library. Check all
that apply. N=44
Changes/shapes library culture 43 98%
Functions in a political environment 42 96%
Makes tough decisions 42 96%
Collaborative 41 93%
Delegates Authority 41 93%
Develops campus visibility for the library 41 93%
Effective Communicator 41 93%
Leads and participates in consortia and cooperative endeavors 41 93%
Manages/shapes change 41 93%
Nurtures the development of new programs and services/refines existing ones as needed 41 93%
Builds a shared vision for the library 40 91%
Develops and fosters partnerships 40 91%
Manages fiscal resources/budgets 40 91%
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