86 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2008–2009 ARL Annual Salary Survey 2008–2009 University Library Questionnaire General and Data Input (Excel) Instructions http://www.arl.org/stats/annualsurveys/salary/ • Use the newly available Web form for your data submission: • University Libraries: http://www.formspring.com/forms/?366101-c6BynijupA • Nonuniversity Libraries: http://www.formspring.com/forms/?366133-c6BynijupA Fill in Part I on the Web and upload your file for Part II through the same interface. NOTE: You must complete the entire submission in a single session. The Web interface does NOT allow you to return and edit your information once it is submitted. • This survey is concerned with professional positions only. Since the criteria for determining professional status vary among libraries, there is no attempt to define the term “professional.” Each library should report the salaries of those staff members it considers professionals, irrespective of faculty status or membership in a collective bargaining unit, including, when appropriate, staff who are not librarians in the strict sense of the term, such as computer experts, systems analysts, budget officers, etc. • Report individual salaries for the Main, Law, and Medical library on the separate template using Microsoft Excel (see http://www.arl.org/stats/annualsurveys/salary/salform08.shtml). A generic template is available. Add your institution’s ARL Library Institution Code [LibID]. (See http://www.arl.org/stats/ annualsurveys/surveycoord/instno_inam.shtml if you do not know your code.) • Use “Percent” to determine if an employee works full-time or part-time. All full-time employees have Percent = 1.00, i.e., they work 100% of a full-time schedule. If Percent is less than 1.00, then the employee works that fraction of a full-time schedule. For example, a 65% time appointment would be entered as 0.65. Calculate the percent appointment by dividing the amount of time an employee works by the amount considered to be the norm for full-time employment at your institution. For example, if a full-time appointment at your institution is 12 months at 40 hours per week: o A 9-month part-time appointment has Percent = 9/12, or 0.75. o An appointment at 30 hours per week has Percent = 30/40, also 0.75. o An appointment at 30 hours and 9 months has Percent = 0.75 x 0.75 = 0.56. Enter Percent with two decimal points. • Report salaries for both full-time and part-time professional positions. Salaries for part-time positions should NOT be converted to their full-time equivalents. Report the actual part-time salary paid and indicate the percent appointment for that employee in the appropriate column. • Include salaries for all professional positions, regardless of whether the salaries come from regular library budget funds or from special funds such as research grants. Please include all professionals involved in the provision of library services, including contract-supported positions. • The salary figures should be straight gross salary figures. Do not include fringe benefits. General Overview