106 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2008–2009 Institution Note FLORIDA Included: Humanities and Social Sciences Library, Science Library, Journalism Library, Music Library, Education Library, Architecture and Fine Arts Library, Health Science Center Library and the Legal Information Center. FLORIDA STATE Includes: Strozier Library (Main) Dirac Science Library Allen Music Library Goldstein College of Information Library Panama City, Florida Branch Library Ringling Museum Library and the Career Center Library. Law and health libraries are also included. GEORGETOWN Includes: Woodstock Theological Library, Blommer Science Library, Lauinger Library, Law Library, Medical Library. The Bioethics Library is included with the Main Library. GEORGIA Main Library, Science Library, Map Library, Student Learning Center Library, Curriculum Learning Center Library, several reading rooms and experiment station libraries located around the State of Georgia. The Law Library is also included. GEORGIA TECH The Main Library and the Architecture Library are included. GUELPH Main Campus Libraries included: McLaughlin Library and the OVC Learning Commons Library. Branch Campus Libraries included: Guelph-Humber Learning Commons Library and the Ridgetown Campus Library. All salary values were reported in Canadian Dollars ($CAD). Individual rank data have been included for professional librarians with only the Library Director assigned a rank of 0. Non-librarian professionals are assigned rank of 9. HARVARD Includes all libraries on the Boston and Cambridge campuses, including the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe College. Excludes Biblioteca Berenson (Florence, Italy), Dunbarton Oaks Research Libraries (Washington, DC), and the Center for Hellenic Studies (Washington, DC). The salaries for Harvard Medical and Harvard Law libraries do not include compensation for the research and professorial duties of this position, yet they are considered full time. HAWAII The law library is not a branch of the main university library. It is independent, with a separate director, who reports to the dean of the law school. HOUSTON Includes: Architecture Library, Music Library, Weston A. Pettey Optometry Library, and the Pharmacy Library. HOWARD Includes law library, main library, and the Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library. Moorland-Springarn Research center is also incorporated. The Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library (LSHSL) is independent from the general libraries and is not a branch library. ILLINOIS, CHICAGO The University of Illinois, Chicago is one campus (including Peoria, Rockford, Urbana). Part time salaries listed at actual part time rate (rather than annualized) per ARL instructions. Job categories: HDBR is used for heads of branch sites (as well as the Science Library) HDOTH is used for heads of internal departments not listed in ARL categories, such as GMRMLN. FSPEC denotes all Systems Librarians.
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