Footnotes to the ARL Annual Salary Survey, 2008–2009 · 105 Institution Note CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, cont. In the Medical Library survey, job categories have been updated to reflect a change in organizational structure and the addition of two associate director positions (these were previously department head positions). CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE Includes the Rivera Library (serving the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, School of Education, and the Graduate School of Management) Science Library (serving the College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences & the College of Engineering) and the Palm Desert Campus Library (serving the Graduate School of Management & the Graduate Division). Excludes the Media and Music Libraries: (there are no professional librarians in these facilities). CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Includes the following libraries: Social Sciences & Humanities, Science & Engineering, Special Collections, ARTS, International Relations & Pacific Studies, Center for Library & Instructional Computing Services, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA Includes the Main Library and Arts Library. CANADA INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION All branch libraries are included and all values were reported in Canadian dollars. CASE WESTERN RESERVE Includes the Kelvin Smith Library (main library), Harris Library of the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences and the Kulas Music Library. CENTER FOR RESEARCH LIBRARIES Survey size dropped from 31 personnel in 2007–2008 to 29 in this reporting period. This was caused by a new determination concerning the definition of “professional” in the center’s staff. CHICAGO All libraries included in main and well as law and medicine. CINCINNATI All main campus libraries are included and branch campus libraries are excluded. COLORADO Included: Norlin, Music, Business, Math/Physics, Engineering, and Earth Sciences Libraries. COLORADO STATE All main campus and branch campus libraries are included. CONNECTICUT Includes the following libraries: Homer Babbidge Library, Dodd Research Center, Stamford Campus Library, Torrington Campus Library, Waterbury Campus Library, Avery Point Campus Library, Greater Hartford Campus Library. Both the University of Connecticut Law Library and University of Connecticut Health Sciences Library are also included. CORNELL The following libraries are included: Africana, Engineering, Entomology, Fine Arts, Geneva Experiment Station, Hotel Administration, Management, Mann Library, Math, Music, ILR, Olin/Kroch/Uris, Physical Science, Veterinary Medicine. Both the Cornell Medical Library and Cornell Law Library are included. DARTMOUTH Includes: Baker-Berry Library, Paddock Music Library, Sherman Art Library, Kresge Physical Sciences Library, Feldberg Business & Engineering Library, Rauner Special Collections Library, and the Storage Library. DUKE Duke University Medical Center Library, Perkins Library System, Divinity School Library, and the Law Library are included. EMORY Data submitted for the “general” libraries includes: General Libraries, Theology Library, and the Oxford College Library.