ARL University Medical Libraries · 67 Table 35: Filled Positions Average, Median, Beginning Professional Salaries and Average Years of Professional Experience in ARL University Medical Libraries, FY 2008–2009 Institution Filled Positions Average Salary Median Salary Beginning Salary Average Yrs. Exp. New Mexico 22 70,363 67,386 39,372 17.9 New York University 30 66,047 60,309 50,000 12.2 North Carolina 32 65,912 64,002 45,000 17.9 Northwestern 17 61,237 61,427 41,000 15.9 Ohio State 9 66,036 61,670 50,000 16.0 Oklahoma 8 60,301 60,480 35,000 19.8 Oklahoma State 8 48,833 41,208 38,000 20.3 Pennsylvania 10 60,851 58,467 42,500 15.9 Pennsylvania State 6 63,734 61,680 42,436 16.2 Pittsburgh 27 57,340 53,960 40,000 13.4 Queen`s 9 76,546 74,215 49,500 14.9 Rochester 24 54,807 51,777 38,168 19.1 Saskatchewan 7 64,291 61,506 49,600 7.9 South Carolina 8 48,891 45,914 35,000 12.9 Southern California 13 69,393 64,516 48,500 15.5 Southern Illinois 6 62,521 66,592 41,000 23.5 SUNY Buffalo 13 63,881 61,201 45,000 21.0 SUNY Stony Brook 18 63,156 63,412 45,000 13.4 Temple 11 57,468 56,702 40,170 18.4 Tennessee, Knoxville 4 ‡ ‡ 40,000 12.0 Tennessee, Memphis 14 53,278 50,263 45,000 17.3 Texas Tech 21 48,703 46,271 36,000 22.7 Toronto 14 96,298 106,205 51,381 19.0 Tulane 7 52,567 49,102 40,000 13.7 Utah 12 62,848 59,271 35,000 19.8 Vanderbilt 25 58,021 59,841 40,000 12.3 Virginia 15 64,952 66,000 45,000 19.4 Washington 19 63,804 59,580 42,600 22.1 Washington U.-St. Louis 24 61,854 53,546 40,000 20.6 Wayne State 10 46,402 42,571 45,000 25.8 Wisconsin 18 61,257 56,669 40,256 12.1 Yale 21 74,991 73,264 50,500 16.0 Directors are included in figures for average years of experience and filled positions, but not in either the average or median salary statistics. Canadian salaries are expressed in US dollars. ‡ Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved.