Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data not previously reported from prior years. Numbers in parentheses refer to columns in
Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers.
11 Decrease due to withdrawal of slide sets.
15.d Includes memberships.
19 Includes bibliographic utilities and literature searching.
4a‐b Unable to distinguish total serials received into purchased (4a) and non‐purchased (4b).
26.a From AAHSL survey: Q31 plus Q31a.
26.b From AAHSL survey: Q32 plus Q32a plus Q33 plus Q33a.
26.c From AAHSL survey: Q34 plus Q34a.
27 Information services desk, Loan desk, Copy Technologies counter, Learning Resource Center desk.
32, 33 Does NOT include in‐house use.
1.b Increase due to purchases and gifts, an increased number of binding units received, and with a reduced number of
1.b.i One‐time funding was received to augment the collections for the new Blaisdell Medical Library, to accommodate
the medical school curriculum moving to the Sacramento campus. Additionally, gift collections were received to
be housed in the medical library.
2 Increase due to titles purchased to augment the Blaisdell Medical Library collection, in anticipation of medical
curriculum moving to the Sacramento Campus.
4.a New titles have been added from the shared electronic serials as a result of additions to CDL journal packages.
4.b Records for ceased titles were closed, and also some gift and exchange records were closed.
15 Actual expenditures for 2004‐05 were $1,310,582, as there were serial prepayments recorded in fiscal year 2003‐04
in the amount of $539,058 not reflected in 2004‐05. In addition there was an increase of 66% for electronic
continuations in 2005‐06.
15.b Actual costs in 2004‐05 for serials were $959,045 due to a prepayment of $539,058 in 2003‐04 for materials received
in 2004‐05.
15.c There was a 66% increase in the cost of electronic continuations for 2005‐06.
16 Increase due to journals requiring LC binding, which is more expensive.
17.a‐b There was a reorganization and consolidation in the unit during this period, which is attributable for the drop in
19 Other operating expenditures have decreased as a direct result of the drop in costs for Copyright Clearance Costs
of 77% from the 2004‐05 year.
20 Total operating costs for the 2004‐05 year were actually $2,832,131, as the prepayment for serials made in 2003‐04
was not reflected in the total.
21 There was a 66% increase in the cost of electronic continuations for 2005‐06.
25 There was a drop of 77% in Copyright Clearance Costs from 2004‐2005.
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