General Instructions
Definitions of statistical categories can be found in NISO Z39.7-2004, Information Services and Use: Metrics &
statistics for libraries and information providers--Data Dictionary (http://www.niso.org/emetrics/current/index.html).
ARL has been modifying the interpretation of the standard definitions to address questions posed by by the library
staff at various member institutions that complete the survey and with feedback from the ARL Statistics and
Assessment Committee (http://www.arl.org/stats/program/meeting.html).
Please do not use decimals. All figures should be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Please respond to every question. If an exact figure cannot be provided, use NA/UA to indicate that the figure is
either unavailable or not applicable. If the appropriate answer is zero or none, use 0.
Although the form allows for data to be entered from both main and branch campuses, an effort should be made to
report figures for the main campus only. (The U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) defines a branch institution as “a campus or site of an educational
institution that is not temporary, is located in a community beyond a reasonable commuting distance from its parent
institution, and offers organized programs of study, not just courses.”) If figures for libraries located at branch
campuses are reported, please specify which branch libraries are included and which ones are excluded in the notes
A branch library is defined as an auxiliary library service outlet with quarters separate from the central library of
an institution, which has a basic collection of books and other materials, a regular staffing level, and an established
schedule. A branch library is administered either by the central library or (as in the case of some law and medical
libraries) through the administrative structure of other units within the university. Departmental study/reading
rooms are not included.
The questionnaire assumes a fiscal year ending June 30, 2006. If your fiscal year is different, please indicate this in
the notes below by adjusting the reporting period.
Footnotes. Explanatory footnotes will be included with the published statistics. Provide any notes you may have in
the footnotes area at the end of the survey. Reporting libraries are urged to record there any information that would
clarify the figures submitted in that line, e.g., the inclusion and exclusion of branch campus libraries. Please make an
effort to word your footnotes in a manner consistent with notes appearing in the published report, so that the ARL
Office can interpret your footnotes correctly.
Specific Instructions
Question 1. Volumes in Library. Use the ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004 definition for volume as follows:
a single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed,
or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding,
encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged,
classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge
circulation transactions. Either a serial volume is bound, or it comprises the
serial issues that would be bound together if the library bound all serials.
General Instructions
Definitions of statistical categories can be found in NISO Z39.7-2004, Information Services and Use: Metrics &
statistics for libraries and information providers--Data Dictionary (http://www.niso.org/emetrics/current/index.html).
ARL has been modifying the interpretation of the standard definitions to address questions posed by by the library
staff at various member institutions that complete the survey and with feedback from the ARL Statistics and
Assessment Committee (http://www.arl.org/stats/program/meeting.html).
Please do not use decimals. All figures should be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Please respond to every question. If an exact figure cannot be provided, use NA/UA to indicate that the figure is
either unavailable or not applicable. If the appropriate answer is zero or none, use 0.
Although the form allows for data to be entered from both main and branch campuses, an effort should be made to
report figures for the main campus only. (The U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) defines a branch institution as “a campus or site of an educational
institution that is not temporary, is located in a community beyond a reasonable commuting distance from its parent
institution, and offers organized programs of study, not just courses.”) If figures for libraries located at branch
campuses are reported, please specify which branch libraries are included and which ones are excluded in the notes
A branch library is defined as an auxiliary library service outlet with quarters separate from the central library of
an institution, which has a basic collection of books and other materials, a regular staffing level, and an established
schedule. A branch library is administered either by the central library or (as in the case of some law and medical
libraries) through the administrative structure of other units within the university. Departmental study/reading
rooms are not included.
The questionnaire assumes a fiscal year ending June 30, 2006. If your fiscal year is different, please indicate this in
the notes below by adjusting the reporting period.
Footnotes. Explanatory footnotes will be included with the published statistics. Provide any notes you may have in
the footnotes area at the end of the survey. Reporting libraries are urged to record there any information that would
clarify the figures submitted in that line, e.g., the inclusion and exclusion of branch campus libraries. Please make an
effort to word your footnotes in a manner consistent with notes appearing in the published report, so that the ARL
Office can interpret your footnotes correctly.
Specific Instructions
Question 1. Volumes in Library. Use the ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004 definition for volume as follows:
a single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed,
or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding,
encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged,
classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge
circulation transactions. Either a serial volume is bound, or it comprises the
serial issues that would be bound together if the library bound all serials.