Footnotes · 49
16 LibGuides and bibliographic instruction sessions may help with more self-help reference answers.
Vacancies existed in some staff positions, and the staff structure was undergoing reorganization.
17 Physical item circulations stats are down due to more online resources available.
18–20 Reported with Main Library figures.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Report includes data from: Health Sciences Library
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Library, University Hospitals East Library.
8 A variance from FY12 is that the service staff no longer report to HSL (thus 2 professional and 2 support
staff lines are gone) also no Medstar staff (2 professional positions).
10 Fringe benefits include: retirement, group life, disability, unemployment compensation, workers
compensation, group vision, group dental, medicare and group health plans, employee tuition,
graduate assistant fee waivers, and dependent tuition.
18, 19 Health Sciences reported additional data here for resources not already captured in the Main Library
1, 2 Titles and volumes reduced due to extensive weeding project in FY13.
4 OSU-CHS maintains a limited number of e-books. This 11% increase reflects the acquisition of 45 new
e-book volumes.
6 Total expenditures increased due to a significant increase in Other operating expenditures.
7.c Contract binding costs are decreasing due to increased acquisition of electronic resources.
8.c Student wage reduction attributed to decrease in Federal Work Study Funds.
10 For tenure-track faculty, other professional staff, and staff this includes FICA, Workers Comp,
Unemployment Com, medical insurance, life insurance, retirement plan, Oklahoma Teachers
Retirement System Employer &Matching Fees, and a benefit administration fee.
13.a OSU-CHS has a small number of professional library staff. This 12.5% increase is the result of 1 new
18 Due to systems in place unable to account for total usage.
Library branches included: Edward G. Miner Library and Basil G. Bibby Library.
1 These data included in response from main campus library.
2 Data reported are restricted to print-only materials. River Campus Libraries is reporting e-materials for
all UR libraries. A significant weeding project was completed in the reporting year.
4 These data included in response from main campus library.
7.a Includes an upgrade to Complete Access Medicine to achieve the best possible pricing, we paid for a
two-year subscription during the 2012–2013 fiscal year.
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