Footnotes · 47
All figures are as of 05/31/2013.
8.b Figure is much less in 2013 because in 2012 the library had to pay out 6 severance packages due to
layoffs. Also, there were 6 fewer fulltime staff in 2013 than in 2012.
9 Other operating expenses rose significantly in 2013 because the library had to replace all staff and public
11 Included with Central Library.
13.b 6 staff layoffs at the end of FY2012.
18 Included with Richter.
7.a, 7.b Reallocation of one-time funds for new serial acquisitions and continuation of shift away from purchase
of monographs.
14 Increased demand for liaison librarian led information sessions.
15 Increased number of sessions led to larger total number of participants.
16 Reduced traffic and reference transactions due to impending renovations.
Library branches included: Bio-Medical Library including Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology
and Medicine, Veterinary Medical Library.
2 Reflects reduction of collection count by withdrawals and moves to shared campus storage.
4 E-books are located centrally and are not assigned to separate physical locations.
7, 7.b Certain Science Direct titles are now paid from a central Libraries budget and budget funds were
permanently transferred out of Health Sciences. There is no change in access/availability of these titles.
7.c Interlibrary loan content and records expenses previously paid by Health Sciences are now paid on a
central budget.
8.b Reflects staffing changes and vacant positions.
8.c Reflects changes in service delivery—student workers were consolidated on the St. Paul Campus to
include the Vet Med Library separate hours and expense no longer recorded for Vet Med.
13.c There was a structural change with the St. Paul students being clustered into one supervisory unit. Our
Vet Med Library students are now part of (supervised) by a larger St. Paul Libraries group, not included
in the HSL budget or FTE numbers. Also there was a reduction in the Tech Service student staffing and
Access &Information Services. Largest portion of reduction was Vet Med Library.
16 Decrease reflects demand reorganization of service points and service delivery
21 Change in reported numbers reflects move of separate Health Sciences lending service to central ILL
lending managed by Minitex, with separate locations not tracked. Total is reported in All Libraries.
All figures are as of 04/30/2013.
2 For the first time this year, we used only system data.
4, 11, 12,
6, 7 During the year 2012–2013, UdeM Libraries had to cut $1.75 million in acquisitions, it was mainly
absorbed by the budget for books.
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