Footnotes · 41
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data from prior years not previously reported. Numbers refer
to columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise stated all figures are as of
All figures are as of 09/30/2013.
2 Fewer volumes primarily due to journal discard in the spring.
7.a 2011–2012 was higher because of e-book package purchase at the end of the year.
8.c Smaller number of graduate assistants this year.
9 There is a correction to an accounting anomaly this year.
10 Includes fringe benefits for library faculty, staff, and students.
11 30% -library faculty.
18–20 AAHSL stats are included in the numbers reported by the main library.
11 Alumni Medical fringe benefit percentages are 30% professional and 26% support staff.
Library branches included: Main Library =Shields Library and Physical Sciences &Engineering
Library. Health Sciences =Carlson Health Sciences Library and Blaisdell Medical Library. Law =Law
1 Titles Held were reported as Volumes Held in 2011/12. They were correctly reported for 2012/13.
4 Electronic Books count is included with Main Library.
7.c Collection Support Expenditures are included with Other Operating Expenditures for 2012/13. They
were incorrectly reported under 7c in 2011/12.
11 This percentage was not reported for Main and Health Sciences for 2011/12.
12 Consortia expenditures are included with Main Library.
2 Incorrect data reported for FY11/12. Revised count is 717,649.
10 UCLA employee benefit expenditures are recorded by the UCLA payroll system at the individual
employee level, based on each employee’s eligibility for benefits and other criteria that may impact
the cost of one or more component of the employee benefit expense. Year to year increase in employee
benefit expenditures is driven principally by the UC Regent’s mandated increase in the employer
contributions to the UC retirement plan.
11 UCLA does not use official employee benefit rates for recording employee benefit expenditures. Please
see footnote on employee benefit expenditures.
2 The Medical Library also has access to a number of electronic resources that are counted only in the
Main Library’s statistics.
8.a Includes six months of retirement incentive payout.
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data from prior years not previously reported. Numbers refer
to columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise stated all figures are as of
All figures are as of 09/30/2013.
2 Fewer volumes primarily due to journal discard in the spring.
7.a 2011–2012 was higher because of e-book package purchase at the end of the year.
8.c Smaller number of graduate assistants this year.
9 There is a correction to an accounting anomaly this year.
10 Includes fringe benefits for library faculty, staff, and students.
11 30% -library faculty.
18–20 AAHSL stats are included in the numbers reported by the main library.
11 Alumni Medical fringe benefit percentages are 30% professional and 26% support staff.
Library branches included: Main Library =Shields Library and Physical Sciences &Engineering
Library. Health Sciences =Carlson Health Sciences Library and Blaisdell Medical Library. Law =Law
1 Titles Held were reported as Volumes Held in 2011/12. They were correctly reported for 2012/13.
4 Electronic Books count is included with Main Library.
7.c Collection Support Expenditures are included with Other Operating Expenditures for 2012/13. They
were incorrectly reported under 7c in 2011/12.
11 This percentage was not reported for Main and Health Sciences for 2011/12.
12 Consortia expenditures are included with Main Library.
2 Incorrect data reported for FY11/12. Revised count is 717,649.
10 UCLA employee benefit expenditures are recorded by the UCLA payroll system at the individual
employee level, based on each employee’s eligibility for benefits and other criteria that may impact
the cost of one or more component of the employee benefit expense. Year to year increase in employee
benefit expenditures is driven principally by the UC Regent’s mandated increase in the employer
contributions to the UC retirement plan.
11 UCLA does not use official employee benefit rates for recording employee benefit expenditures. Please
see footnote on employee benefit expenditures.
2 The Medical Library also has access to a number of electronic resources that are counted only in the
Main Library’s statistics.
8.a Includes six months of retirement incentive payout.