Footnotes · 51
9 Figure indicates move to electronic only.
14 Figure indicates deaccessioning project.
17 Figure reflects reduction in binding program.
20 Increase in Other Operating Expenditures is due to a significant increase in endowment distribution (50%) in 2008-2009 and
increased reserve spending during the year.
23 Figure indicates move to electronic only.
25 Figure reflects a low point in replacement cycle.
26, 40-43 Figure reflects inaccuracies in 2007-2008 reporting.
27 Figure reflects staff reorganization.
30 Figure reflects increased emphasis in this area.
36 Figure correlates to expansion in electronic holdings.
All figures are as of 08/31/2009.
Library branches included: Grady Branch Library and Hospital Branch Library.
Library branches NOT included: Midtown Branch Library.
5.b Figure not reported in 2007-2008.
16.c Figure reflects the purchase of a backfile.
16.d There was a cost increase for one product. We also added a new product.
20 A portion of "Other operating expenditures" goes as an expense to carryforward account.
16.a Most of this money was spent as an end of year deposit account. This means that the titles purchased will be counted in the
2009-2010 fiscal year.
Library branches NOT included: Main Library (Strozier), Dirac Science Library, College of Engineering Library, Allen
Music Library, College of Law Research Center, Goldstein College of Information Library, Ringling Museum of Art Library,
Panama City, Panama Library, and Panama City, Florida Library.
1.b.i Increase due to addition of a 3,532 volumes of bound serials previously owned but not counted.
16.b Represents a payment by the College of Medicine to contribute to an invoice for access for biomedical and medical journals
subscribed to by University Libraries.
30 2007-2008 presentation figure included only formal faculty development classes. 2008-2009 includes formal faculty
development classes as well as library tours and orientations.
31 The number of participants for the 2007-2008 year included only formal faculty development classes. 2008-2009 number of
participants includes formal faculty development classes as well as library tours and orientations.
32 Since the professional librarian staff was down by two for the period from July 2008 to June 2009, this figure is based on
an average of totals from the previous two years. As six staff members provide reference services on a regular basis, this
average was then multiplied by 4/6 to estimate the number of reference transactions.
1 Total physical volumes significantly reduced due to change in space availability requiring large reduction in physical
volumes held content change was minimal due to electronic availability.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 130,499.
1.b The number withdrawn exceeded the number added resulting in a negative percent changed.
1.b.ii Large number of physical volumes withdrawn due to space availability change. Overall content loss was minimal.
5.a A different calculation method showed possible previous error.
9 Figure indicates move to electronic only.
14 Figure indicates deaccessioning project.
17 Figure reflects reduction in binding program.
20 Increase in Other Operating Expenditures is due to a significant increase in endowment distribution (50%) in 2008-2009 and
increased reserve spending during the year.
23 Figure indicates move to electronic only.
25 Figure reflects a low point in replacement cycle.
26, 40-43 Figure reflects inaccuracies in 2007-2008 reporting.
27 Figure reflects staff reorganization.
30 Figure reflects increased emphasis in this area.
36 Figure correlates to expansion in electronic holdings.
All figures are as of 08/31/2009.
Library branches included: Grady Branch Library and Hospital Branch Library.
Library branches NOT included: Midtown Branch Library.
5.b Figure not reported in 2007-2008.
16.c Figure reflects the purchase of a backfile.
16.d There was a cost increase for one product. We also added a new product.
20 A portion of "Other operating expenditures" goes as an expense to carryforward account.
16.a Most of this money was spent as an end of year deposit account. This means that the titles purchased will be counted in the
2009-2010 fiscal year.
Library branches NOT included: Main Library (Strozier), Dirac Science Library, College of Engineering Library, Allen
Music Library, College of Law Research Center, Goldstein College of Information Library, Ringling Museum of Art Library,
Panama City, Panama Library, and Panama City, Florida Library.
1.b.i Increase due to addition of a 3,532 volumes of bound serials previously owned but not counted.
16.b Represents a payment by the College of Medicine to contribute to an invoice for access for biomedical and medical journals
subscribed to by University Libraries.
30 2007-2008 presentation figure included only formal faculty development classes. 2008-2009 includes formal faculty
development classes as well as library tours and orientations.
31 The number of participants for the 2007-2008 year included only formal faculty development classes. 2008-2009 number of
participants includes formal faculty development classes as well as library tours and orientations.
32 Since the professional librarian staff was down by two for the period from July 2008 to June 2009, this figure is based on
an average of totals from the previous two years. As six staff members provide reference services on a regular basis, this
average was then multiplied by 4/6 to estimate the number of reference transactions.
1 Total physical volumes significantly reduced due to change in space availability requiring large reduction in physical
volumes held content change was minimal due to electronic availability.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 130,499.
1.b The number withdrawn exceeded the number added resulting in a negative percent changed.
1.b.ii Large number of physical volumes withdrawn due to space availability change. Overall content loss was minimal.
5.a A different calculation method showed possible previous error.