ARL Statistics Questionnaire 2008–2009 · 37
Question 3. Monographic Volumes Purchased. Report number of volumes purchased do not include volumes received or
cataloged. Include all volumes for which an expenditure was made during 2008-09, including volumes paid for in advance but not
received during the fiscal year. Include monographs in series and continuations. Include e-books that fit the NetLibrary® model,
i.e., electronic manifestations of physical entities and/or units provide a footnote explaining how many e-books you are reporting,
preferably by specifying the products and the number of titles. If only number of titles purchased can be reported, please report the
data and provide an explanatory footnote.
Question 4: Basis of Volume Count. A physical count is a piece count a bibliographic count is a catalog record count.
Questions 5. Serials. Use the following definition adapted from AACR2 for a serial:
A bibliographic resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering,
that has no predetermined conclusion. Examples of serials include
journals, magazines, electronic journals, continuing directories, annual reports,
newspapers, and monographic series.
Report the total number of unique serial titles, NOT SUBSCRIPTIONS, that you currently acquire and to which you provide
access. Do not include duplicate counts of serial titles. Report each title once, regardless of how many subscriptions or means
of access you provide for that title. Exclude unnumbered monographic and publishers’ series. Electronic serials acquired
as part of a bundle or an aggregated package should be counted at the title level, even if they are not cataloged, as long as
the title is made accessible directly by the library (e.g., through a finding aid). If access is provided only through the overall
platform or aggregator, do not report the individual titles but count the package as a single title.
Question 5a. Serial titles currently purchased. In the case of consortial agreements, count under ‘serial titles currently purchased’
those titles for which the library pays any amount from its budgeted expenditures. Include all titles that are part of bundles or
aggregated packages, even if your library makes a partial payment for access to those titles. If a purchased title includes electronic
access to the title, count that title ONLY ONCE (DEDUPED) as electronic only. If a database includes full-text and abstracted titles,
the number of full-text titles can be counted.
Question 5b. Serial titles: Not Purchased. Report other titles that your library receives and does not pay for directly under ‘serial
titles received but not purchased.’ These titles may include exchanges, gifts, etc.
If serial titles have been purchased through a consortium whose budget is centrally funded and independent from the library’s
budget, these serials should be reported under ‘serial titles currently received but not purchased.’ If within a purchased or aggregated
package it cannot be determined that some titles are not purchased, report all titles as purchased.
Freely accessible titles are those your library provides direct access to via cataloging records or through online serial lists of
other finding aids.
To the extent possible, report all government document serials separately in (5b.iv).
If separate counts of non-purchased and purchased serial titles are not available, report only the total number of serial titles currently
purchased and received on line (5), and report NA/UA for lines (5a) and (5b).
Question 7. Microforms. Report the total number of physical units: reels of microfilm, microcards, and microprint and microfiche
sheets. Include all government documents in microform provide a footnote if documents are excluded.
Question 3. Monographic Volumes Purchased. Report number of volumes purchased do not include volumes received or
cataloged. Include all volumes for which an expenditure was made during 2008-09, including volumes paid for in advance but not
received during the fiscal year. Include monographs in series and continuations. Include e-books that fit the NetLibrary® model,
i.e., electronic manifestations of physical entities and/or units provide a footnote explaining how many e-books you are reporting,
preferably by specifying the products and the number of titles. If only number of titles purchased can be reported, please report the
data and provide an explanatory footnote.
Question 4: Basis of Volume Count. A physical count is a piece count a bibliographic count is a catalog record count.
Questions 5. Serials. Use the following definition adapted from AACR2 for a serial:
A bibliographic resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering,
that has no predetermined conclusion. Examples of serials include
journals, magazines, electronic journals, continuing directories, annual reports,
newspapers, and monographic series.
Report the total number of unique serial titles, NOT SUBSCRIPTIONS, that you currently acquire and to which you provide
access. Do not include duplicate counts of serial titles. Report each title once, regardless of how many subscriptions or means
of access you provide for that title. Exclude unnumbered monographic and publishers’ series. Electronic serials acquired
as part of a bundle or an aggregated package should be counted at the title level, even if they are not cataloged, as long as
the title is made accessible directly by the library (e.g., through a finding aid). If access is provided only through the overall
platform or aggregator, do not report the individual titles but count the package as a single title.
Question 5a. Serial titles currently purchased. In the case of consortial agreements, count under ‘serial titles currently purchased’
those titles for which the library pays any amount from its budgeted expenditures. Include all titles that are part of bundles or
aggregated packages, even if your library makes a partial payment for access to those titles. If a purchased title includes electronic
access to the title, count that title ONLY ONCE (DEDUPED) as electronic only. If a database includes full-text and abstracted titles,
the number of full-text titles can be counted.
Question 5b. Serial titles: Not Purchased. Report other titles that your library receives and does not pay for directly under ‘serial
titles received but not purchased.’ These titles may include exchanges, gifts, etc.
If serial titles have been purchased through a consortium whose budget is centrally funded and independent from the library’s
budget, these serials should be reported under ‘serial titles currently received but not purchased.’ If within a purchased or aggregated
package it cannot be determined that some titles are not purchased, report all titles as purchased.
Freely accessible titles are those your library provides direct access to via cataloging records or through online serial lists of
other finding aids.
To the extent possible, report all government document serials separately in (5b.iv).
If separate counts of non-purchased and purchased serial titles are not available, report only the total number of serial titles currently
purchased and received on line (5), and report NA/UA for lines (5a) and (5b).
Question 7. Microforms. Report the total number of physical units: reels of microfilm, microcards, and microprint and microfiche
sheets. Include all government documents in microform provide a footnote if documents are excluded.