Footnotes · 49
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data not previously reported from prior years. Numbers refer to
columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise noted, all figures are as of 06/30/2009.
All figures are as of 09/30/2009.
Library branches included: Arizona Health Sciences Library-Phoenix.
24.a AMIGOS/OCLC charges were $8,410: membership $350, user fee $1,100, annual usage $6,960. However, the amount shown
was covered by cataloging and ILL credits held at AMIGOS.
30-31 Includes education and outreach group teaching.
Library branches included: Blaisdell and Carlson Health Sciences Libraries.
Library branches NOT included: Shields Library and the Physical Science and Engineering Library
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 370,836.
5.a Serial count is an estimate based on a manual count, a total of 3,195 titles. The Serial count as reported in General Library is
for all units and includes Health Sciences.
Library branches included: Biomedical Library and Medical Center Library.
Data for questions 28-43 are included in the Main Library reporting.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 240,708.
28-31 Counted in the Main Library statistics.
Responses to questions 37-43 are reported on the Main Library's statistics.
1.b.i The Health Sciences Library has access to 13,091 e-books that are reported in the main library's statistics.
5.a.i The Health Sciences Library has access to 59,448 e-journals that are reported in the main library's statistics.
John Crerar Library is a central science library with a biomedical collection for health sciences. Many numbers are
percentages as a result. Data for the ARL survey are matched as closely as possible to data compiled and reported for the
Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries' (AAHSL) Annual Statistics of Medical School Libraries in the United
States and Canada.
5-5.a.ii Figure reflects new, improved method for more accurate estimate of proportion of total number serial titles that are
biomedical titles.
16.a-16.b While there are fluctuations within the categories, overall spending was up only 9.92%. Serials print cancellations and
added electronic purchases may account for some of the individual variation.
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
22 One-time purchases may vary significantly from year to year depending on availability of discretionary funds for
biomedical uses.
23 Figure reflects cost increases for existing resources and the addition of new subscription products.
27 Net reduction in staffing due to budget reductions.
27.a New librarian position added.
27.b Reduction in support staffing due to budget reductions.
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