Footnotes · 51
1 The Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library has been undergoing major renovation since 2007 to free up space for a new Learning
Center. This has required us to remove most of the printed library collection. However, there has been no loss of access to our collection.
The library has retained approximately 340K volumes which have been moved to an off-site location. We weeded out-of-scope
materials of the medical library collection, de-duped the basic science materials from the collection if available in another Columbia
University Library, and most of the journal subscriptions (in-scope materials) were converted to electronic if the source was reliable and
retention of paper was no longer needed.
4 Included in Butler Library statistics (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
25 Actual number for Health Sciences Library is $8,609 number is marked UA/NA in order to submit correct overall number for Columbia
(see footnote for (25) in the 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
26 Increase in staff is due to the library renovation, wherein the need for temporary staff to help out with the barcoding of printed
materials before moving to off-site storage.
1a Volumes held 30 June 2007 revised to 189,422. Change in volumes held June 30, 2007 reflects the fact that additional e-books were
4 This is an estimate only. Approximately 870 were estimated to be non-current e-tittles.
17,26 Several staff members were on medical leave during 2007–2008.
38 Decrease from 2006–2007 reflects a more accurate count.
Library branches included: Dana Biomedical Library, Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library.
4 Count of serials titles for 2007–2008 was made using a different source, which we believe is more accurate.
Library branches included: this survey includes the Medical Center Library only.
36-42 This data is reported in the Main Library survey (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
All figures are as of 08/31/2008.
Library branches included: Grady Branch Library, Emory Hospital Branch Library.
4aii Number represents print only titles.
12 A library branch was left out of count for prior year (2006–2007).
1a Volumes held 30 June 2007 revised to 352,466.
4ai This number is reported by the main academic library (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
18 Fringe benefits are included.
4aii Some serials counted in this category are now counted in a new or different category.
17b Support staff were not given raises for 2007–2008.
19 The increase in this category is due to small increases across several expenditure categories: interlibrary loan, recruitment to fill open
positions, travel, telecommunications, and costs related to library renovation services from vendor.
20 Large increase in this category due to the purchasing of e-books as opposed to leasing arrangement in 2006–2007.
41 The 2006-2007 number was incorrect. The correct number is 13.
1 129,526 was the figure determined by the library.
1a Number from previous statistics is 10 higher—129,536.
8,11-12 Changes from 2006–2007 due to weeding project, that occurred during July-August 2007.
23a Different calculation method was used than the one used previously.
28 The calculation for 2006–2007 only represented a portion of total public service hours and was thus incorrectly low.
29 2006–2007’s number of library presentations to groups was incorrectly calculated and omitted our involvement in a year-long class.
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