ARL Statistics Questionnaire, 2007–2008 · 39
behalf. If the specific dollar amount is not known, but the total student FTE for the consortium and amount spent for the
academic members are known, divide the overall amount spent by your institution’s share of the total student FTE.
Q24. Computer hardware and software. Report expenditures from the library budget for computer hardware and
software used to support library operations, whether purchased or leased, mainframe or microcomputer, and whether
for staff or public use. Include expenditures for: maintenance equipment used to run information service products when
those expenditures can be separated from the price of the product telecommunications infrastructure costs, such as
wiring, hubs, routers, etc. Include only expenditures that are part of Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Q25. Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan. Report expenditures for document delivery and interlibrary loan services
(both borrowing and lending). Include fees paid for photocopies, costs of telefacsimile transmission, royalties and access
fees paid to provide document delivery or interlibrary loan. Include fees paid to bibliographic utilities if the portion
paid for interlibrary loan can be separately counted. Include only expenditures that are part of Miscellaneous Materials
Expenditures (Q15d) or Other Operating Expenditures (Q19), and only for those ILL/DD programs with data recorded in
Questions 34-35.
Questions 26. Personnel. Report the number of FTE (full-time equivalent) staff in filled positions, or positions that are
only temporarily vacant. ARL defines temporarily vacant positions as positions that were vacated during the fiscal year for
which ARL data were submitted, for which there is a firm intent to refill, and for which there are expenditures for salaries
reported on line 17.
Include cost recovery positions and staff hired for special projects and grants, but provide an explanatory footnote indicating
the number of such staff. If such staff cannot be included, provide a footnote. To compute full-time equivalents of part-time
employees and student assistants, take the total number of hours per week (or year) worked by part-time employees in each
category and divide it by the number of hours considered by the reporting library to be a full-time work week (or year).
Round figures to the nearest whole numbers.
Question 26a. Professional Staff. Since the criteria for determining professional status vary among libraries, there is no
attempt to define the term “professional.” Each library should report those staff members it considers professional, including,
when appropriate, staff who are not librarians in the strict sense of the term, for example computer experts, systems analysts,
or budget officers.
Question 26b. Support Staff. Report the total FTE (see instruction 26) of staff not included in 26a.
Question 26c. Student Assistants. Report the total FTE (see instruction Q26) of student assistants employed on an hourly
basis whose wages are paid from funds under library control or from a budget other than the library’s, including federal
work-study programs. Exclude maintenance and custodial staff.
Question 27. Number of staffed library service points. Count the number of staffed public service points in the main
library and in all branch libraries reported in this inventory, including reference desks, information desks, circulation,
current periodicals, reserve rooms, reprographic services (if staffed as a public facility), etc. Report the number of
designated locations, not the number of staff.
Question 28. Number of weekly public service hours. Report an unduplicated count of the total public service hours
per typical full-service week (i.e., no holidays or other special accommodations) across both main library and branches
using the following method (corresponds to IPEDS): If a library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday, it should report 40 hours per week. If several of its branches are also open during these hours, the figure remains
40 hours per week. Should Branch A also be open one evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the total hours during which
users can find service somewhere within the system becomes 42 hours per week. If Branch B is open the same hours on
the same evening, the count is still 42, but if Branch B is open two hours on another evening, or remains open two hours
later, the total is then 44 hours per week. Exclude 24-hour unstaffed reserve or similar reading rooms. The maximum
total is 168 (i.e., a staffed reading room open 7 days per week, 24 hours per day).
Questions 29–30. Instruction. Sampling based on a typical week may be used to extrapolate TO A FULL YEAR for Questions
29 and 30. Please indicate if responses are based on sampling.
behalf. If the specific dollar amount is not known, but the total student FTE for the consortium and amount spent for the
academic members are known, divide the overall amount spent by your institution’s share of the total student FTE.
Q24. Computer hardware and software. Report expenditures from the library budget for computer hardware and
software used to support library operations, whether purchased or leased, mainframe or microcomputer, and whether
for staff or public use. Include expenditures for: maintenance equipment used to run information service products when
those expenditures can be separated from the price of the product telecommunications infrastructure costs, such as
wiring, hubs, routers, etc. Include only expenditures that are part of Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Q25. Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan. Report expenditures for document delivery and interlibrary loan services
(both borrowing and lending). Include fees paid for photocopies, costs of telefacsimile transmission, royalties and access
fees paid to provide document delivery or interlibrary loan. Include fees paid to bibliographic utilities if the portion
paid for interlibrary loan can be separately counted. Include only expenditures that are part of Miscellaneous Materials
Expenditures (Q15d) or Other Operating Expenditures (Q19), and only for those ILL/DD programs with data recorded in
Questions 34-35.
Questions 26. Personnel. Report the number of FTE (full-time equivalent) staff in filled positions, or positions that are
only temporarily vacant. ARL defines temporarily vacant positions as positions that were vacated during the fiscal year for
which ARL data were submitted, for which there is a firm intent to refill, and for which there are expenditures for salaries
reported on line 17.
Include cost recovery positions and staff hired for special projects and grants, but provide an explanatory footnote indicating
the number of such staff. If such staff cannot be included, provide a footnote. To compute full-time equivalents of part-time
employees and student assistants, take the total number of hours per week (or year) worked by part-time employees in each
category and divide it by the number of hours considered by the reporting library to be a full-time work week (or year).
Round figures to the nearest whole numbers.
Question 26a. Professional Staff. Since the criteria for determining professional status vary among libraries, there is no
attempt to define the term “professional.” Each library should report those staff members it considers professional, including,
when appropriate, staff who are not librarians in the strict sense of the term, for example computer experts, systems analysts,
or budget officers.
Question 26b. Support Staff. Report the total FTE (see instruction 26) of staff not included in 26a.
Question 26c. Student Assistants. Report the total FTE (see instruction Q26) of student assistants employed on an hourly
basis whose wages are paid from funds under library control or from a budget other than the library’s, including federal
work-study programs. Exclude maintenance and custodial staff.
Question 27. Number of staffed library service points. Count the number of staffed public service points in the main
library and in all branch libraries reported in this inventory, including reference desks, information desks, circulation,
current periodicals, reserve rooms, reprographic services (if staffed as a public facility), etc. Report the number of
designated locations, not the number of staff.
Question 28. Number of weekly public service hours. Report an unduplicated count of the total public service hours
per typical full-service week (i.e., no holidays or other special accommodations) across both main library and branches
using the following method (corresponds to IPEDS): If a library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday, it should report 40 hours per week. If several of its branches are also open during these hours, the figure remains
40 hours per week. Should Branch A also be open one evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the total hours during which
users can find service somewhere within the system becomes 42 hours per week. If Branch B is open the same hours on
the same evening, the count is still 42, but if Branch B is open two hours on another evening, or remains open two hours
later, the total is then 44 hours per week. Exclude 24-hour unstaffed reserve or similar reading rooms. The maximum
total is 168 (i.e., a staffed reading room open 7 days per week, 24 hours per day).
Questions 29–30. Instruction. Sampling based on a typical week may be used to extrapolate TO A FULL YEAR for Questions
29 and 30. Please indicate if responses are based on sampling.