Highlights · 5
ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2007–2008
• Out of 113 ARL university libraries, 64 responded to this survey.1
• Health Sciences libraries reported median values of 240,955 volumes held and 2,598 gross
volumes added. The full-time equivalent of 2,304 staff were employed by these libraries during
the year.
• Responding libraries reported total expenditures of $240,019,298.2 As seen in the graph below,
library materials made up the largest portion of that total, with 48.61% of aggregated expenses
falling under that category.
• Health sciences libraries reported a total of $81,986,136 on electronic materials, or a median of
76% of their total materials budgets. This includes a total of $76,921,558 on electronic serials.
Expenditures in ARL Academic Health Sciences Libraries 2007–2008
1 73 university libraries included data for a health sciences library for the 2007–2008 ARL Statistics. Among them, British Columbia, Brown, Johns
Hopkins, Laval, Louisville, Manitoba, Missouri, Ohio, Toronto, and Wayne State included health sciences library data in the ARL Statistics, but did
not respond to this survey. Cornell and Indiana did not include health library data in the ARL Statistics, but did respond to this survey.
2 This figure includes Canadian universities, whose expenditures were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of 1.0101 Can$ =1 US$, the average
monthly noon exchange rate published in the Bank of Canada Review for the period July 2007–June 2008.
Other Operating
Total Salaries
Contract Binding
Library Materials 8.92%
ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2007–2008
• Out of 113 ARL university libraries, 64 responded to this survey.1
• Health Sciences libraries reported median values of 240,955 volumes held and 2,598 gross
volumes added. The full-time equivalent of 2,304 staff were employed by these libraries during
the year.
• Responding libraries reported total expenditures of $240,019,298.2 As seen in the graph below,
library materials made up the largest portion of that total, with 48.61% of aggregated expenses
falling under that category.
• Health sciences libraries reported a total of $81,986,136 on electronic materials, or a median of
76% of their total materials budgets. This includes a total of $76,921,558 on electronic serials.
Expenditures in ARL Academic Health Sciences Libraries 2007–2008
1 73 university libraries included data for a health sciences library for the 2007–2008 ARL Statistics. Among them, British Columbia, Brown, Johns
Hopkins, Laval, Louisville, Manitoba, Missouri, Ohio, Toronto, and Wayne State included health sciences library data in the ARL Statistics, but did
not respond to this survey. Cornell and Indiana did not include health library data in the ARL Statistics, but did respond to this survey.
2 This figure includes Canadian universities, whose expenditures were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of 1.0101 Can$ =1 US$, the average
monthly noon exchange rate published in the Bank of Canada Review for the period July 2007–June 2008.
Other Operating
Total Salaries
Contract Binding
Library Materials 8.92%