64 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 296 — 2018 Example 1. Constructive Research Methodology Overview Constructive research methodology originated in computer science. A number of applied domains have adapted it for their use and it is a great fit for distributed digital practice and radical collaboration. The possible outcomes from constructive research methodology include conceptual constructs, models, methods, and implementation. Constructive research methodology is one example of an exploratory research methodology. Conclusive research as depicted in Figure 2 is much more common and familiar, but exploratory research is a necessary part of what we do in developing generations of digital practice in response to ongoing technological change. Figure 2. Context for exploratory research in research methodology1 A look at the steps of the methodology illustrate how this approach to exploratory research-based practice and practice-based research aligns with digital practice: 1. Find a relevant practical problem with research potential. 2. Obtain a general and comprehensive understanding of the topic. 3. Build an innovative solution (or construct).