19 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 296 — 2018 The transition from stage 2 to stage 3 for a community represents a particular challenge for inclusion because the skills are concentrated in a group of early adopters who are developing expertise in the skills needed for the emerging generation of practice. This concentration leads to exclusion, people who know and people who don’t. This is the transition point our emerging distributed digital practice community is at—it is time for early adopters to carry on developing and advancing their expertise and it is time for popularizers to step forward, people who care about the objectives and whose skills include raising awareness, effective communication, and other means that expand community. Figure 6. Building Sustainable Programs for Communities13 The exhaustion caused by endless projects, a characteristic of stage 2, eventually encourages organizations and individuals to develop more sustainable programmatic responses, first basic then increasingly advanced. Programs then use projects strategically to advance programs. More and more organizations have developed stage 4 programs for digital practice—we have a foundation and a growing community base for achieving distributed digital practice, building on what we have learned. Distributed digital practice requires working across domains, institutions, and communities. We will be discovering what stage 5 that intentionally includes radical collaboration will look like as we transition to distributed digital practice.