58 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 296 — 2018 Figure 1. Digital Archives and Preservation (DAP) Stack Digital Practice and Research Outcomes The roundtable for digital practice discussed in the introduction to this issue of RLI is intentionally set for radical collaboration to achieve mutual objectives for research outcomes—to help researchers from the very start of their work to create, manage, preserve, enable discovery of, share, and reuse the outcomes of their work. There is wide agreement within the digital community that research data can take just about any form—by default that engages all of the domains (data science, archives, libraries, digital preservation, records management, museums, and software development). There is no hard line between research data and administrative and other data—the perception of data is based on context, need, and use. There are ongoing discussions of big data, which might be intentionally big (for example, ongoing often homogeneous accumulations of observational data) or might become big (for example, incremental, possibly longitudinal, often heterogeneous, accumulations of data). Some archivists have engaged in the long-term management of data of all kinds in digital form for decades and in physical form for much longer. No single domain