63 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 296 — 2018 The sizes of the circles suggest the relative sizes of the domains, but the overlapping of the circles are not intended to depict the ways in which these domains do, should, or could interact. What would your response be? What Could Radical Collaboration Look Like? The examples shared by contributors to this issue of RLI reflect current and recent efforts to collaborate in and around research data management within the digital community. Characteristics of radical collaboration abound in these examples. The following questions are considerations for new or reinvigorated efforts to achieve radical collaboration: • Did you include a representative group that reflects the inclusion framework in defining the problem statement at the start of the effort? • Is there room at the roundtable for more contributors as needed? • Is it possible to incorporate ideas from the whole roundtable or compromise on reflecting the cumulative members all along the process (for example, engaging in a project, developing a programmatic effort, envisioning new services, seeking solutions)? • Is it possible for anyone who should know or wants to know about what is happening with the effort to find out through transparent communication, accessible documentation, an openness to feedback, and holistic outreach at venues across the breadth of the roundtable? These are examples—there are many more possible characteristics of radical collaboration to try out. More specific examples of structures and themes that would adapt well to radical collaboration are below.