60 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 296 — 2018 preservation, these are distinct if co-dependent domains. • Make time to revisit institutional policies and practices to enable collaboration and inclusion—local archival practice in academic libraries has been established perhaps without input from archivists or may not yet reflect digital practice. • Convene community discussion to explore distinctions between archival collections, manuscript collections, and special collections. • Encourage the local and community-wide use of accepted working definitions of these and related terms and concepts that are the essence of an archivist’s identity and a basis for professional inclusion. Within the context of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), examples of success might be convening directors of ARL archives to collaborate directly with archivists rather than through layers of organizational administration. Endnotes 1. “SAA Core Values Statement and Code of Ethics,” Society of American Archivists, accessed December 14, 2018, https://www2.archivists.org/ statements/saa-core-values-statement-and-code-of-ethics. 2. For example, Clifford Lynch and I had a productive discussion about the ambiguity in his article “Stewardship in the ‘Age of Algorithms’” (First Monday 22, no. 12, December 4, 2017, https://firstmonday.org/ article/view/8097/6583) due to his various references to archives, archivists, digital archives, and archival practice that do not reflect archival practice as engaged in by archivists who adhere to archival principles and practice. 3. Andrew Flinn, Mary Stevens, and Elizabeth Shepard, “Whose Memory, Whose Archives? Independent Community Archives, Autonomy, and the Mainstream,” Archival Science 9 (2009).