194 · Representative Documents: Data Needs Assessment
Research Data Management Group Survey of NSF Principal Investigators at Cornell University
I'm not sure
Own IT infrastructure (e.g., external hard drives)
EZBackup or other campus-based solution
Commercial solution (i.e., Google Docs, Amazon S3
No backup
No more than 1 GB
More than 1 GB but less than 100 GB
More than 100 GB but less than 1 TB
More than 1 TB but less than 100 TB
More than 100 TB
Do you plan to deposit the data you have produced or intend to produce in a data center or other
non-Cornell repository, or would you be interested in doing so to satisfy the NSF requirement?
Please specify the repository (or repositories) you plan to deposit your data into.
Block 7
What is your current method of backing up the data you have produced or intend to produce for this
project? Check all that apply.
Approximately how much data needs to be backed up?
Block 8
The NSF specifies that if "any PI or co-PI identified on the project has received NSF funding in the
past five years, information on the award(s) is required." Specifically, applicants must indicate
"evidence of research products and their availability, including, but not limited to: data, publications,
samples, physical collections, software, and models, as described in any Data Management Plan."
Do you currently keep track of research outputs and their availability?
Additional comments
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7 of 9 10/3/2011 2:39 PM
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