132 · Representative Documents: Data Management Plan Tools
Data Management Plan
Note: Your DMP for NSF grants should not exceed two pages. Contact Research Services in
the Libraries for consultation (ljohnsto@umn.edu).
2 Checklist Section
o What type of data will be produced?
o How will data be collected? In what formats?
o How to document data collection?
o Will it be reproducible? What would happen if it got lost or became unusable later?
o How much data will it be, and at what growth rate? How often will it change?
o Are there tools or software needed to create/process/visualize the data?
o Will you use pre-existing data? From where?
o Storage and backup strategy?
3. Data Organization, Documentation and Metadata
The plan for organizing, documenting, and using descriptive metadata to assure quality control
and reproducibility of these data include
3 Checklist Section
o What standards will be used for documentation and metadata?
o Is there good project and data documentation format/standard?
o What directory and file naming convention will be used?
o What project and data identifiers will be assigned?
o Is there a community standard for metadata sharing/integration?
4. Data Access and Intellectual Property
The data have the following access and ownership concerns
4 Checklist Section
o What steps will be taken to protect privacy, security, confidentiality, intellectual property or
other rights?
o Does your data have any access concerns? Describe the process someone would take to
access your data.
o Who controls it (e.g., PI, student, lab, University, funder) ?
o Any special privacy or security requirements (e.g., personal data, high-security data) ?
o Any embargo periods to uphold?
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