16 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 300 — 2020 collective goal of Canadian GLAMs must be to do “more with more.” More collaborations, more partnerships, more public outreach, more relevance. Because it sums up all of the wonderful possibilities that working together can mean, I think it makes for a perfect mantra for the GLAM sector: More with more. Endnotes 1. Mélanie Joly and Kent Hehr, Canadian Heritage 2016–17 Departmental Results Report (Department of Canadian Heritage, 2017), https:// www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/corporate/publications/plans- reports/departmental-results-report-2016-2017/main-report.html. 2. Creative Canada: Policy Framework (Department of Canadian Heritage, 2017), 23, https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/pch/ documents/campaigns/creative-canada/CCCadreFramework-EN.pdf. 3. Living Knowledge: The British Library 2015–2023 (London, UK: British Library, January 2015), 7, https://www.bl.uk/britishlibrary/~/media/ bl/global/about%20us/corporate%20policies/living%20knowledge. pdf. 4. Andrew Tessler, Economic Valuation of the British Library (Oxford, UK: Oxford Economics, January 2013), https://www. oxfordeconomics.com/my-oxford/projects/245662. 5. Scoping Exercise: Value Study of Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (Brightsail Research Inc., March 29, 2018). 6. “The Ottawa Declaration,” Ottawa Declaration Working Group, accessed May 29, 2020, https://www.ottawadeclaration.ca/. 7. Scoping Exercise: Value Study of Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums, 28. 8. Andrew Tessler, Alice Gambarin, and Stephanie Lukins, Value Study of GLAMs in Canada (New York: Oxford Economics, December 2019), 9, https://museums.ca/uploaded/web/LIBRARY_20-032_HTML/ pdfs/value_study_GLAMs_EN.pdf.