SPEC Kit 305: Records Management · 43
activity. University Archives only accepts permanent records into the Dodd Research Center. University
Archivist coordinates activities with offices regarding non-permanent materials.”
“The Records Manager creates new record series and submits deletions of or additions and changes to
an existing record series to the State Public Records Division which in turn submits this information to the
State Records Commission. This Commission approves all changes to the State University Records Retention
Schedule which the State Legislative Research Commission promulgates the Administrative Regulation that
incorporates retention schedules by reference. Then the Records Manager inserts this information into the
university version of the State Schedule. On the subject of policy and procedures, the Records Manager has
some leverage when it applies to internal policy and procedures but the state record laws, State Records
Commission, and the university administration determine the university’s records policy. The Records Manager
provides campus records management presentations, site visits, online guidance, and personal tutorials. The
Records Program collaborates with the Human Resources Department to provide all new employees a basic
records management presentation and hand-out. The Records Program also collaborates with the Legal
Office to provide through Human Resources a workshop concerning records with an emphasis on electronic
records. Both the pick up and retrieval from a private offsite storage facility is handled by the Records
Manager (new transfers) and the office liaison (old transfers). The pick up of historical University Archives
materials stored onsite is handled by the University Archivist, and the Records Manager handles the storage
of the non-permanent records which haven’t reached their retention. A file folder title inventory is required
for the transfer of permanent or non-permanent records to either the University Archives onsite storage or
the offsite storage facility. The inventory is provided by the originating department. The offsite storage facility
is a private company contracted with the Purchasing Department and approved by the Library Department.
The Records Program negotiates between the company and the campus offices when lack of space facilitates
the use of this storage. The University Archives and Records Program (UARP) stores onsite 50% of the text
records and 100% of the graphic and audio-visual materials related to the university’s history. The Kentucky
Digital Library is state funded but the office is located and the Director is part of the Special Collections
and Digital Programs (SCDP). This digital library stores the electronic databases for all of the UARP online
inventories. The Information Technology (IT) Department maintains the servers for the university, the
e-mail system, and the campus-wide access to the university Web pages. Each department or college has a
designated IT representative to change and maintain the Web pages. The University Archivist, the Archives
and Records Assistant, and the SCDP reference personnel answer the reference questions which include the
use of collections onsite and offsite. The Records Manager is a backup for historical reference, and answers
queries based on the university’s records. The non-permanent records aren’t accessioned into the University
Archives but are stored offsite via the originating office’s funds. The discarding of records isn’t a policy at
the university but state sanctioned destruction is a daily occurrence. The university contracts with a recycling
company to pick up the locked bins and shred the paper contents, thus both the originating offices and the
Records Program destroy records when they meet their retention period. When the non-permanent records
stored offsite have reached their retention, the Records Manager contacts the office that the records can be
destroyed via the approved destruction procedures and the use of the state records destruction certificate.
The Preservation Reformatting Center which is located in SCDP migrates permanent records to a preservation
format. The Records Manager transfers the text records such as the student newspaper, catalogue/bulletin,
yearbook, and the Board of Trustees meeting minutes to the Center for microfilming. The University Archivist
oversees the students who refresh the format of permanent records, and mostly that constitutes the
housing in archival containers and arranging in series within a finding aid. The Records Manager houses the
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