52 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
10 Includes health plan, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement plan, tuition assistance,
vacation and sick leave. Change is related to salary expenditures being shifted back to the library.
13.a Reflects current “recruiting mode”, with an expectation of adding professional staff in 2014–15.
21 Change due to streamlining of DDS/ILL policies and activities.
22 Library discontinued subsidy of DDS/ILL requests for primary users.
9 Physician clinical care database of over $300,000 was added Hospital paid a portion back to the
10 Fringe benefits include annuity, FICA, health allowance, and dependent tuition allowance.
13.a, 13.b Several higher paid staff retired and at the same time two para-professionals were replaced with
a net gain of one additional professional.
21–22 ILL volume in both borrowing and lending is down.
Library branches included: Health Sciences.
1, 4, 10, 18–22 The reported figure represents the UW Madison campus-wide total, including Ebling Health
Science Library.
1 The methodology used to gather data changed for FY2014. Number represents number of titles
currently held by the Medical Library that are active in the Yale University Library catalog.
2 The methodology used to gather data changed for FY2014. Number represents total volumes
currently held by the Medical Library (both on-campus and at the remote storage facility) that
are active in the Yale University Library catalog. The number only represents volumes with item
records there are segments of the campus collection that do not have item records (e.g., legacy
print serial collections).
4 E-book information reported on the Yale University Library survey.
7.b Increased user base.
11 Salaried/Professional Range: 29.4%–32.6% Hourly/Support Range: 53.6%–54.6%.
18–20 Data included on the main Yale Library survey.
Question Number Footnote
10 Includes health plan, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement plan, tuition assistance,
vacation and sick leave. Change is related to salary expenditures being shifted back to the library.
13.a Reflects current “recruiting mode”, with an expectation of adding professional staff in 2014–15.
21 Change due to streamlining of DDS/ILL policies and activities.
22 Library discontinued subsidy of DDS/ILL requests for primary users.
9 Physician clinical care database of over $300,000 was added Hospital paid a portion back to the
10 Fringe benefits include annuity, FICA, health allowance, and dependent tuition allowance.
13.a, 13.b Several higher paid staff retired and at the same time two para-professionals were replaced with
a net gain of one additional professional.
21–22 ILL volume in both borrowing and lending is down.
Library branches included: Health Sciences.
1, 4, 10, 18–22 The reported figure represents the UW Madison campus-wide total, including Ebling Health
Science Library.
1 The methodology used to gather data changed for FY2014. Number represents number of titles
currently held by the Medical Library that are active in the Yale University Library catalog.
2 The methodology used to gather data changed for FY2014. Number represents total volumes
currently held by the Medical Library (both on-campus and at the remote storage facility) that
are active in the Yale University Library catalog. The number only represents volumes with item
records there are segments of the campus collection that do not have item records (e.g., legacy
print serial collections).
4 E-book information reported on the Yale University Library survey.
7.b Increased user base.
11 Salaried/Professional Range: 29.4%–32.6% Hourly/Support Range: 53.6%–54.6%.
18–20 Data included on the main Yale Library survey.