Footnotes · 47
Question Number Footnote
All figures are as of 04/30/2014.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Library.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars. Collections Expenditures: (7a) $154,879 (7b)
$1,834,539 (7c) $91,164 (7) $2,080,582 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $530,405 (8b) $854,819 (8c)
$65,862 (8) $1,451,086 (10) $553,326 Overall Expenditures: (7) $2,080,582 (8) $1,451,086 (9) $81,511
(6) $3,613,179 (12) $2,210. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits
Expenditures (Q10).
10 Includes Statutory CPP, EI, EHT, WSIB pension dental major medical life insurance surcharge
post-retirement surcharge WSIB NEER surcharge and sick leave pool for permanent staff.
11 Percentages are based on pay group e.g., Unifor, TMG, Faculty, etc., as well as salary range.
Average for full-time staff is 42%.
All figures are as of 05/31/2014.
9 In 2013 all staff and public computer workstations were replaced, accounting for higher than
typical operating expenditures in the previous FY.
Library branches included: Bio-Medical Library, Vet Med Library, Wangensteen Historical
8.c A reduction in student support in the InfoNOW Service area and also the elimination of the HSL
Tech Services Dept including student positions (the work now being done by the Tech Services
Dept. in the main library, Wilson).
13.b Several staff retirements during FY14 resulting in reduction in salary expense.
21 Inaccurate holdings appearing in the OCLC Knowledge Base for several years.
22 With improved discovery systems, patrons can more easily and accurately tell what materials we
own, obviating the need to look outside the institution.
All figures are as of 04/30/2014.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars. Collections Expenditures: (7a) $130,898 (7b)
$717,720 (7c) $9,703 (7) $858,321 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $796,791 (8b) $832,201 (8c) NA/UA (8)
$1,628,992 (10) $436,840 Overall Expenditures: (7) $858,321 (8) $1,628,992 (9) $31,644 (6) $2,518,957
(12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures
13.b Total Support Staff for last year (2012–13 survey) revised to 18.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center.
1 2014 data based on AAHSL survey.
6 Did not count one-time resource purchases in 2013.
8.a Vacancies.
8.c Spent more on student employees.
11 29% for faculty 32.5% for staff.
20 Not available.
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