46 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
HOWARD cont.
18–20 Included in the Main Library’s statistics because users are authenticated through a central proxy
server at the Washington Research Library Consortium.
Library branches included: Library of the Health Sciences, Chicago Library of the Health
Sciences, Peoria Library of the Health Sciences, Rockford Library of the Health Sciences, Urbana.
4 All electronic books are included in main library statistics.
10 The Library does not pay fringe benefits for staff paid from state accounts. Fringe benefit rate
includes retirement (11.91%), health/life/dental insurance (23.85%), workers’ comp. (0.01%),
Medicare (1.45%), and terminal vacation/sick leave (1.13%).
18–20 Combined with statistics reported for main library.
Library branches included: Ruth Lilly Medical Library.
10 Retirement benefits, health &welfare benefits, tuition benefit, and retirement packages.
4 Cannot break out health science titles.
9 Cannot separate out all costs for health sciences.
11 Rate for professional &scientific classification.
18–20 Number pulled from Serials Solution. Unable to break out separate health sciences data.
Library branches included: Dykes Medical Center Library.
2 This is a true bibliographic count of all items, including unbound journals and reflects a
significant increase in our e-book collection. Previous counts may have been “physical.”
8.a Library Director holds two additional positions therefore, salary may not be comparable.
8.c Reduction in hours.
10 This figure comprises fringe benefit costs for all staff.
11 Annual fringe percentage is 18.758% plus $6,275 annually for health insurance.
16 A significant reduction was seen in public transactions after the implementation of a restricted
building access policy.
17, 21 We have engaged in some significant weeding of our print collection over the past year.
1, 2, 4, 18, 19 Total is included in Main Library total. (Unable to break out separate total for Medical Library.)
10 Includes: retirement, health insurance, life insurance, and miscellaneous fringe benefits (FICA
and Social Security).
Library branches included: These are the statistics of the Veterinary Medicine Library which is
located on the LSU campus, but administratively separate from the LSU Libraries.
1, 7.c, 10, 11, 16,
16.a, 17–20
Not available for Vet Med.
4, 12, 18–20 See Main Library survey for info. We cannot separate them out by library.
Question Number Footnote
HOWARD cont.
18–20 Included in the Main Library’s statistics because users are authenticated through a central proxy
server at the Washington Research Library Consortium.
Library branches included: Library of the Health Sciences, Chicago Library of the Health
Sciences, Peoria Library of the Health Sciences, Rockford Library of the Health Sciences, Urbana.
4 All electronic books are included in main library statistics.
10 The Library does not pay fringe benefits for staff paid from state accounts. Fringe benefit rate
includes retirement (11.91%), health/life/dental insurance (23.85%), workers’ comp. (0.01%),
Medicare (1.45%), and terminal vacation/sick leave (1.13%).
18–20 Combined with statistics reported for main library.
Library branches included: Ruth Lilly Medical Library.
10 Retirement benefits, health &welfare benefits, tuition benefit, and retirement packages.
4 Cannot break out health science titles.
9 Cannot separate out all costs for health sciences.
11 Rate for professional &scientific classification.
18–20 Number pulled from Serials Solution. Unable to break out separate health sciences data.
Library branches included: Dykes Medical Center Library.
2 This is a true bibliographic count of all items, including unbound journals and reflects a
significant increase in our e-book collection. Previous counts may have been “physical.”
8.a Library Director holds two additional positions therefore, salary may not be comparable.
8.c Reduction in hours.
10 This figure comprises fringe benefit costs for all staff.
11 Annual fringe percentage is 18.758% plus $6,275 annually for health insurance.
16 A significant reduction was seen in public transactions after the implementation of a restricted
building access policy.
17, 21 We have engaged in some significant weeding of our print collection over the past year.
1, 2, 4, 18, 19 Total is included in Main Library total. (Unable to break out separate total for Medical Library.)
10 Includes: retirement, health insurance, life insurance, and miscellaneous fringe benefits (FICA
and Social Security).
Library branches included: These are the statistics of the Veterinary Medicine Library which is
located on the LSU campus, but administratively separate from the LSU Libraries.
1, 7.c, 10, 11, 16,
16.a, 17–20
Not available for Vet Med.
4, 12, 18–20 See Main Library survey for info. We cannot separate them out by library.