50 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
17 Fewer checkouts due to increase in e-books.
18 Increase due to better reporting tools and more reports available from publishers.
19 Increase due to acquisition of unlimited access to McGraw-Hill subscriptions users were not
blocked by a limited amount of seats.
21 Decrease in orders due to consortia with reciprocal agreements.
Library branches included: SIUC School of Medicine Library.
2 Medical Library is in the midst of renovations that will reduce shelving by 33%. Serial volumes
are being weeded significantly to accommodate this change.
4 Added significant number of titles from Clinical Key and Springer E-Books Products.
7.a Decrease is due to reduction in book purchase budget.
7.c Binding =$7,985.
10 Includes sick/vacation payouts, GA health insurance, FICA, retirement, worker’s compensation,
life insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, and vision
11 Includes FICA, retirement, worker’s compensation, life insurance, unemployment insurance,
health insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance.
22 Decrease in photocopy requests because of the increase in availability of material online.
7, 7.a Expenditures for serials and other ongoing resources increased while purchases of one-time
resource decreased.
7.c $5640 for membership. With the merging of the ILL department with west campus libraries, HSL
no longer keeps separate data for ILL support.
8, 8.a, 8.b Due to retirement and unable to replace.
8.a IT staff not paid by library in 2013–14.
8.c Additional hours added to cover several staff vacancies.
9 Tech fee account budget moved out of library for 2013–14.
13.a, 13.b IT staff not paid by library in 2013–14.
14 Due to the shortage of librarian.
15, 16 Due to the retirement of librarian.
17 The decrease can be attributed to several factors: library was closed for almost 3 months due to
flooding no new circulating material has been added increased access to electronic content.
22 It could be attributed to increase in electronic resources including e-books.
Library branches included: Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, and Charles E.
Krausz Library.
All figures are as of 08/31/2014.
Library branches included: Libraries included in this FY2013/2014 survey are: 1) Medical
Sciences Library-Bryan, 2) Medical Sciences Library-College Station, 3) Medical Sciences Library-
Kingsville, 4) Medical Sciences Library-Round Rock, 5) Medical Sciences Library-Temple.
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