Footnotes · 45
Question Number Footnote
22 The statistics include our interlibrary loans, the documents/loans received through the FSU
campus-wide delivery service and the loans received from other state university libraries within
Florida. The decrease in this figure from last year could be attributed to an increase in the number
of users accessing our e-resources as we added additional resources to our collection to meet user
1, 4 Bought numerous individual e-book titles, plus added two new e-book collections.
7.a No journal backfiles purchased for FY2013–14.
8, 8.a, 10 Fully staffed for entire year.
8.c Unexpected closures due to weather and building maintenance led to less student hours.
9 Reduced maintenance for ILS.
12 Gelman has traditionally provided the answer to this question.
14 Librarians taught more sessions and were embedded in more classes this year.
18 More titles in collection and better tracking of statistics for some older titles.
19 Search figures increased for 3 popular databases.
20 The figure is the data for EDS connections, rather than searches.
21 Received more requests from other libraries. We have a greater range of journal backfiles this
8, 8.a, 8.b, 12 Increase due to revised FY13 data.
10 See
Library branches included: Francis A. Countway Medical Library and the Center for Biomedical
4 See number reported under Main. This is reported as a University Wide number covering all
schools and programs.
10 See note under Main.
12 Represents changes to this line due to shift of how bibliographic utilities are assessed to campus
libraries. This charge is now rolled into a comprehensive service charge for services centrally
13.a Represents filled positions previously vacant and adjustment to staffing due to changes in
13.b Represents normal adjustments due to periodic staffing level changes and adjustments.
13.c This number is currently not available.
14–16 Not reported.
18–20 Efforts are underway to determine how to measure this number. It is expected that this statistic
will be available in the future, at least as an institution-wide number.
13.b 4.5 FTE.
Library branches included: This report is limited to the Health Sciences Library.
Question Number Footnote
22 The statistics include our interlibrary loans, the documents/loans received through the FSU
campus-wide delivery service and the loans received from other state university libraries within
Florida. The decrease in this figure from last year could be attributed to an increase in the number
of users accessing our e-resources as we added additional resources to our collection to meet user
1, 4 Bought numerous individual e-book titles, plus added two new e-book collections.
7.a No journal backfiles purchased for FY2013–14.
8, 8.a, 10 Fully staffed for entire year.
8.c Unexpected closures due to weather and building maintenance led to less student hours.
9 Reduced maintenance for ILS.
12 Gelman has traditionally provided the answer to this question.
14 Librarians taught more sessions and were embedded in more classes this year.
18 More titles in collection and better tracking of statistics for some older titles.
19 Search figures increased for 3 popular databases.
20 The figure is the data for EDS connections, rather than searches.
21 Received more requests from other libraries. We have a greater range of journal backfiles this
8, 8.a, 8.b, 12 Increase due to revised FY13 data.
10 See
Library branches included: Francis A. Countway Medical Library and the Center for Biomedical
4 See number reported under Main. This is reported as a University Wide number covering all
schools and programs.
10 See note under Main.
12 Represents changes to this line due to shift of how bibliographic utilities are assessed to campus
libraries. This charge is now rolled into a comprehensive service charge for services centrally
13.a Represents filled positions previously vacant and adjustment to staffing due to changes in
13.b Represents normal adjustments due to periodic staffing level changes and adjustments.
13.c This number is currently not available.
14–16 Not reported.
18–20 Efforts are underway to determine how to measure this number. It is expected that this statistic
will be available in the future, at least as an institution-wide number.
13.b 4.5 FTE.
Library branches included: This report is limited to the Health Sciences Library.