Footnotes · 49
Question Number Footnote
2 Data reported are restricted to print-only materials. Main campus library is reporting e-materials
for all UR libraries. We are continuing a rigorous deaccessioning project.
7.c ILL postage: 1,533 Acquisitions postage: 108 ILL purchases: 42 Copyright Clearance: 4,388 EFTS
(net) expenditures: 367 ILLiad Maintenance: 1,500 (2 years) OCLC Cataloging: 1,660 Collection
management supplies: 2,502 Photocopy costs: 66 IFM (net) costs: (zero) ExLibris (Voyager
software maintenance) Backstage (MARS authority control processing, etc.): 9,286 Serials
Solutions 360 Link: 2,246 and Contract binding: 5,025.
13 1.5 FTE added to e-Learning department.
13, 13.c Hours for Computing Center Help Desk support (including Blackboard/online learning) were
expanded to accommodate needs of School of Nursing, in addition to School of Medicine &
17 We note that declines in initial circulations have been continuous since the 2008–09 reporting
period. While there may be no single factor to explain the decline, certainly the increased
availability of electronic resources and the continued growth of iPads in the Medical School
curriculum are strong influences.
All figures are as of 04/30/2014.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Library only.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars. Collections Expenditures: (7a) $303,537 (7b)
$1,813,825 (7c) $29,706 (7) $2,147,068 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $582,943 (8b) $341,691 (8c) $63,884
(8) $988,518 (10) $154,580 Overall Expenditures: (7) $2,147,068 (8) $988,518 (9) NA/UA (6)
$3,135,586 (12) $0. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures
7.b Decrease due to lower AHSL serials expenditures.
7.c Increase due to underreporting error in 2012–13 data for document delivery and ILL.
8.c Increased use of student assistants due to expanded hours of opening.
10 Includes the benefit expenses for librarians, staff, and students.
12 No such expenditures this fiscal year.
18 Health Sciences Library is interdisciplinary therefore unable to obtain this information.
20 University of Saskatchewan does not use a federated search engine.
21, 22 Decrease due to heavier reliance on electronic resources increasingly available for free or as open
access on the Internet. More journals archiving older volumes and making available with current
online subscriptions reducing demand for photocopies from print sources. Also due to double
counting error inflating previous year’s number.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Libraries including Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dental.
4 Increased purchase of e-book subscriptions.
7.a Decrease in archival and one-time e-book purchases to increase e-journal &e-book subscriptions.
7.b Inflation increases and increase in cost to support users at newly acquired hospitals.
7.c Discontinued binding of paper journals now only binding or repairing books.
9 One-time grant no longer available, decrease in ILL lending income. Some project funds used to
support collections.
14, 15 Decrease in Medical Library with increase in Dental Library sessions.
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