48 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
All figures are as of 08/31/2014.
Library branches included: Ehrman Medical Library, Waldmann Dental Library, Bellevue
Medical Library, Hospital for Joint Diseases Library, and Environmental Medicine Library.
2 The bulk of our offsite collection was deaccessioned in 2014. Also reflects removal of holdings
from Bellevue Medical Library and Environmental Medicine Library.
7.a Purchased fewer e-book and print front lists in 2014.
8.b Positions left vacant after attrition and branch closures.
8.c Eliminated all student positions.
9 Increased professional development spending also reflects return to regular operations post-
14, 15 Inclusion of clinical rounds activity in this year’s numbers.
16 Reflects user response to NIH Public Access Compliance service offered by the library.
17 No onsite print collection for Ehrman Library.
18, 20 Medical library stats are captured in the university library stats.
19 Reflects inclusion of 10 additional databases.
21 Expanded access to e-journal backfiles accounts for increased ILL lending and decreased ILL
borrowing this year.
7.a Decrease due to receipt of one-time year-end funding for additional materials purchases in
previous year.
9 Includes non-material acquisition expenditures ($17,642).
11 The university designates 22.04% +fixed health insurance of $5,192.
16 This year, we changed methods of counting to include sampling and believe a more complete
count was achieved.
All figures are as of 08/31/2014.
11 The majority of Ohio State’s fringe benefits are based upon an official designated percent of 31%.
The official designated percent for the Health Sciences Library is 29.6%.
1 Title count increase due to the addition of new e-books and media titles.
4 This increase due to emphasis on transitioning to electronic resources.
10 For tenure-track faculty, other professional staff, and staff this includes FICA, workers comp,
unemployment comp, medical insurance, life insurance, retirement plan, Oklahoma teachers
retirement system employer &matching fees, and a benefit administration fee.
19, 20 Due to incompatibilities within our reporting systems for electronic resources, we do not feel we
can produce accurate use figures for this fiscal year.
Library branches included: Edward G. Miner Library and Basil G. Bibby Library.
1, 4 These data reported by main library.
Question Number Footnote
All figures are as of 08/31/2014.
Library branches included: Ehrman Medical Library, Waldmann Dental Library, Bellevue
Medical Library, Hospital for Joint Diseases Library, and Environmental Medicine Library.
2 The bulk of our offsite collection was deaccessioned in 2014. Also reflects removal of holdings
from Bellevue Medical Library and Environmental Medicine Library.
7.a Purchased fewer e-book and print front lists in 2014.
8.b Positions left vacant after attrition and branch closures.
8.c Eliminated all student positions.
9 Increased professional development spending also reflects return to regular operations post-
14, 15 Inclusion of clinical rounds activity in this year’s numbers.
16 Reflects user response to NIH Public Access Compliance service offered by the library.
17 No onsite print collection for Ehrman Library.
18, 20 Medical library stats are captured in the university library stats.
19 Reflects inclusion of 10 additional databases.
21 Expanded access to e-journal backfiles accounts for increased ILL lending and decreased ILL
borrowing this year.
7.a Decrease due to receipt of one-time year-end funding for additional materials purchases in
previous year.
9 Includes non-material acquisition expenditures ($17,642).
11 The university designates 22.04% +fixed health insurance of $5,192.
16 This year, we changed methods of counting to include sampling and believe a more complete
count was achieved.
All figures are as of 08/31/2014.
11 The majority of Ohio State’s fringe benefits are based upon an official designated percent of 31%.
The official designated percent for the Health Sciences Library is 29.6%.
1 Title count increase due to the addition of new e-books and media titles.
4 This increase due to emphasis on transitioning to electronic resources.
10 For tenure-track faculty, other professional staff, and staff this includes FICA, workers comp,
unemployment comp, medical insurance, life insurance, retirement plan, Oklahoma teachers
retirement system employer &matching fees, and a benefit administration fee.
19, 20 Due to incompatibilities within our reporting systems for electronic resources, we do not feel we
can produce accurate use figures for this fiscal year.
Library branches included: Edward G. Miner Library and Basil G. Bibby Library.
1, 4 These data reported by main library.