44 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
2 This number decreased slightly because we purchased less print titles and our e-resources
purchases leveled out.
7 Last year, we purchased additional resources in anticipation of ending a contract with an
e-resources vendor. This year, while we added additional e-books to our collection, overall library
materials expenditures were lower because we paid for some resources this year with last fiscal
year’s budget.
7.a This number increased because we purchased some additional e-resources in anticipation of
ending a contract with an e-resources aggregate at the end of the FY.
7.b The decrease in this amount compared to last year can be attributed to several factors including
increasing our e-book purchases in anticipation of ending our relationship with an e-book
vendor, credits received from vendors, and payment of certain subscriptions that were made in
the previous FY.
7.c The increase in this number compared to last year can be attributed to an increase in the number
of borrowing requests from users which increased the fees associated with lending through
8, 8.a, 8.b This number increased overall due to the cost-of-living pay increases as well as reclassifying a
staff position with a different pay grade and hiring a temporary staff member to help with public
9 This number increased because we included all operating costs outside of building maintenance
and repair. In previous years, some operating costs were inadvertently excluded from the
10 Fringe benefits include benefits such as health insurance and retirement benefits.
11 This fringe benefits percentage is reported by our institution. Fringe benefits cover salaried, full-
time professional and support staff members.
13 This number increased because we hired a temporary library assistant at the beginning of the FY.
13.a This includes 6 professional medical librarians with MLA and AHIP credentials.
13.b This number increased because we hired a part-time library assistant to help us manage public
services until we hired our new full-time staff member to replace a previous staff member who
13.c This includes 1 graduate assistant.
14, 15 This number decreased because the College of Medicine did not promote a special seminar series
that it provided in the previous FY, which involved the library staff. The College of Medicine
also held less continuing education seminars than the previous year, which the library staff
participated in. Thus, the number of presentations and participants decreased overall.
16 This number is based on an estimate of reported reference transactions. The majority of library
service activities are long-term research projects and instructional sessions. These are not
captured by a traditional definition of the reference transaction.
17 This figure includes our circulating reserve collection, which is attached to the curriculum in the
College of Medicine. The decrease from last year’s amount could be attributed to a rise in the use
of e-resources as we increased the number of e-books and other e-resources that we acquired.
18–20 We do not have a mechanism in place to report this information in a meaningful way.
21 The decrease can be attributed to an overall drop in lending requests from other institutions and
factoring in unfilled requests. In previous years, unfilled requests were inadvertently left out.
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