51 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 299 2019 that may impact the products they create or decisions they make with AI technology? An important step in this direction is the establishment of policies related to AI that can inform and guide the university community in all of its areas of work with AI. In addition to setting guidelines for the university, there is also an opportunity for universities to provide leadership and guidance in developing local, national, and international policies for AI technology, given the early state of policies that currently exist around AI. Competing interests within a university can present challenges in developing policies that align with shared values, ethical responsibility, and respect for individual privacy. The drive to maximize research awards for advancing AI technologies can cause researchers to perceive policies as restrictive barriers to pursuing research opportunities. Staff and administration who desire to learn as much as possible about current as well as prospective students may not favor policies that restrict how data can be used with systems using AI to maximize student success. Requiring faculty who teach AI courses to include ethics, privacy, transparency, and implicit bias training in their curriculum will undoubtedly lead to complaints that there is no room in the curriculum for this added material, let alone the expertise required to teach those subjects. Using AI-empowered systems to assess faculty performance and impact could lead to less-subjective promotion and tenure decisions. If, however, there is a lack of transparency to provide insight into the underlying data and algorithms used, the integrity of the process will be called into question. AI and Research Librarians Research librarians, having expertise in information science, are well positioned to navigate the campus landscape and work with stakeholders to form policies that can ensure accountability, transparency, and alignment with ethical values. Long guided by
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